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Showing posts from February, 2017

Student Accounts Explained

Keele medical students are eligible for a range of username accounts at different times of their course. The different accounts provide you with access to different online resources. Keele Computer username / password This account is your university account and gives you access to a wealth of online resources subscribed to by Keele University. The account is set up for you by Campus IT at the start of your course. For account problems please contact Campus IT. For problems accessing library resources contact Campus Library. NHS-HE Athens username / password This account allows you to access the main national NHS subscribed resources – known as Core Content. This account is created for medical students at some point in their second year by the Campus Library. For account problems contact Campus Library. For problems accessing NHS resources please contact Campus Library, although this may be referred on. NHS Trust Athens This account allows you to acces...

NICE HDAS will be switched off Friday 3rd March 2017

Hello, here is the latest information we have been sent regarding old HDAS: __________________________________________________________ Old HDAS will be permanently unavailable from  Friday 3rd  March 2017 . Please see the reminders below of what you need to do to prepare for this. In particular we would like to draw your attention to the reminder to update any links you might have, both to HDAS as well as to the journals and database page. What do I need to do? 1.         Ensure you have completed the migration of your saved searches and alerts For those who haven’t already done so, you should ensure that you have completed the migration of your saved searches and alerts. All saved searches and alerts set up from 2008 onwards in old HDAS (and in the BETA version) have been migrated to the new system. This has been semi-automated and there is a piece of work for you to complete the migration. While you will still be able...

HDAS – Article not found error

Error : There is a known error within the HDAS databases which can cause an "article not found" error when trying to link to the full-text of an article returned in search results. See example below: Screen-shot of an example "article not found" error This is occurring because there is a mis-match of data about the article / journal title between the list that HDAS relies on (the OCLC link resolver) and the provider/publisher data (eg Proquest or Medline Complete etc). We have noticed that this can occur when the journal includes online-only content as well as providing a print issue. Work Round : It is most likely that the article full-text is available within the provider / publisher content - you can try to search for the article title there. Solution : Please let us know of any instances you come across, we can then ask the provider / publisher and OCLC to resolve the data mis-match. Known NHS eJournal problems are recorded on the J...

Ovid eJournals – Bad Request Error

Error: When linking to a large number of Ovid ejournal titles (between 10 and 15) from the NHS My Journals A-Z list you can encounter an error "Bad Request". This then prevents you from accessing further titles. See image below: Screen-shot of an example Bad Request error Ovid have suggested that this problem is caused by the Chrome browser not clearing the Ovid cookie. Work Round : You can clear the Ovid cookie. You will then be able to continue to view Ovid titles. Here are instructions on clearing cookies - it is the cookie that you need to delete. Solution : The error has been reported to both Ovid and NICE. Known NHS eJournal problems are recorded on the Journal Problems and Fixes web page .

Use the Snipping Tool to Capture Screen-shots

The Snipping Tool is a really useful tool available from Microsoft. You should have access to it via NHS and Keele computers. It allows you to take a snap-shot of your computer screen. I use this tool to create the images in the step-by-step instructions that I create for this blog. You might find it useful to capture on-screen error messages, online feedback, items for your portfolio or information for your assignments or presentations. You can find complete instructions of how to use the snipping tool on the Microsoft website . Here are a few hints & tips: Find the Snipping Tool Here is an example of a screen-shot from the Microsoft help page explaining how to find the Snipping Tool. I have used MS Powerpoint to add content to the image. Example screen-shot - from the Microsoft Snipping Tool help page When you click the Start button in windows, you may find the Snipping Tool on your start menu, otherwise you should find it in the Accessories folder or...

Proquest Login – navigating all the options

The Proquest database is one of the Core Content databases available to NHS users. You can search the information and access its full-text articles by searching the NICE HDAS database. Sometimes the Proquest database will ask for your login details. This blog post is going to show you how to navigate the Proquest login screens. So, the starting point is a search in HDAS where I have found an article that is available within Proquest. Here is an example article and you can see, at the bottom, the link to Proquest. Screen-shot of an article in HDAS You click the Proquest link to go to the full-text in the Proquest database. If you are asked to login, you will be presented first with the screen below, click the drop-down box to view the options. Screen-shot of step one in the login process From the drop-down box click the option “Athens (openathens federation)”. We use Athens authentication to allow you to use online resources. Screen-shot of the Proquest log...

Notice: old HDAS may be switched off soon

We have received notification that the old version of HDAS may be switched off soon, possibly by the end of the month. Please make sure that you have followed the previous instructions to migrate your saved searches and alerts. Please check our previous blog entries for information released previously. Links to HDAS can be found on our Healthcare Resources page .

Clinical Key – keeping up-to-date

You can use Clinical Key to keep up-to-date with your favourite ejournals by subscribing to e-tocs (electronic table of contents). You will then receive an email when a new issue of the journal is released. Here is a step-by-step guide to subscribing to an etoc: Log in to Clinical Key (see our healthcare resources page ), then click the Journals link under the search box. Screen-shot of the Clinical Key search screen Browse or search for the Journal title you are interested in. Screen-shot of the Browse Journals screen Select the journal title Screen-shot of an example journal title search Now click the option “Subscribe” listed under the journal title. Screen-shot of an example journal title page A message will pop-up to confirm that you are now subscribed. The system will use the email address that you entered when you activated your account. Screen-shot of confirmation of etoc subscription You will now receive an email when a new issue is publ...

Using a Cinahl Account

If you register for a Cinahl account you will be able to save searches, save your results and set up alerts. This can save you a lot of re-work and time. Register for a Cinahl Account First of all log in to Cinahl as a Keele user using your Keele computer username and password (this should be automatic if you are on Campus). Then click the “Sign In” option on the top menu bar. Screen-shot of the Cinahl top menu bar Once you have set up your account, this is where you will sign in. To create your account select “Create a new account”. Screen-shot of the Cinahl account log in screen Complete the form presented. You will need to remember your username and password so make them something that you will remember or write them down somewhere safe. Note that you need to create a strong password. You might want to include lower case and upper case letters, numbers and special characters; and avoid short passwords. Screen-shot of the form to create a Cinahl...

ClinicalKey Content Updates: February 9, 2017

Books Added – CK Global Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A Team Approach  (Giangarra, Charles) 4th ed; ISBN: 9780323393706; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; New edition (replaces 9780323055901); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20130190071 Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis  (McGee, Steven) 4th ed; ISBN: 9780323392761; Package/Collection: Family Medicine; New edition (replaces 9781437722079); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20140041342 Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery  (Baron, Eli) 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780323400664; Package/Collection: Orthopedics Essentials; New edition (replaces 9781437715200); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20140047570 Practical Hepatic Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach  (Saxena, Romil) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780323428736; Package/Collection: Pathology Extended; New edition (replaces 9780443068034);  https://www....

Print to PDF

Printing to PDF is a useful tip that can help you to save information, web pages and your work. It can really help if you can’t print or want to print later. First find the information that you want to print or save. Here I have selected an article from the Information Skills for Health blog. This article is on the internet so the examples I have here will show you the screens presented in Google Chrome. The screens may differ slightly depending on where the information is that you want to save; however the concept should be the same. Screen-shot of my example content Select the print option from the interface you are using. Screen-shot of print option in google chrome In the print dialog screen that pops up you want to change the destination from the printer to PDF. Where the printer is listed click the “change” button or if this is not available click the drop-down box that holds the printer name. Screen-shot of the print options in google chrome Select ...

Working with a Search Strategy in Cinahl

Cinahl is a nursing specialist database. Previous blog items have looked at how you can improve your searching and control how you can view your results. This blog post will show you how to manage your search strategy. View your Searches To view the searches you have already executed, click the “Search History” link underneath the search boxes. Screen-shot of the Search History link You can perform a number of limited searches; each search will be recorded on a separate row in the history table. You can then use the Search History rows to build up your strategy. Your final search will then include all the search terms and thesaurus terms that you have used. Screen-shot of example simple searches in Cinahl Print Search History You can choose “Print Search History” to show your search strategy. Then right-click and select “Print” to print out a copy. You could also take a screen-shot and add to your assignment or notes to keep a record of your search strateg...

Hints and Tips for Viewing your Results in Cinahl

Cinahl is a nursing specialist database that can help you to find good quality articles and evidence. Once you have run a search you can view the list of articles returned. Page Options You can arrange your results in different formats on the page. For example, show up to 50 articles on one page to avoid a lot of paging; include the abstract so that you can check whether the article is about your topic quickly. Screen-shot of the Cinahl Page Options Sort Options You can sort your results on the page by most recent date – click the Relevance link for sort options. View Full-text To view the full-text click the PDF Full Text link if it is available. If there is no direct link to the full text of an article, check our Journals A - Z to find out if we subscribe to that journal title from another database. Screen-shot of Cinahl search results For more help using Cinahl try our etutorial Using Cinahl .