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Paediatrics and Child Health - Journal of the week

Paediatrics and Child Health

Paediatrics and Child Health is a comprehensive resource with up-to-date reviews on all aspects of paediatrics and neonatology. This title includes topical reviews, practice updates, investigations and technical procedures, presented in a clear, concise and easy-to-read format.

journal cover for this title - just text for title and highlights

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  • Academic Pediatrics
  • Advances in Pediatrics
  • Archives in disease in childhood
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
  • Journal of Pediatric Surgery
  • Pediatric Clinics of North America
  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

For more journals see our Journal of the Week blog posts.

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