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Using Browzine to view NHS Journals

 Do you need to find the full-text of an article? Do you want to view the latest issue of a journal title?

You can view NHS-based journal titles using Browzine.

Browzine is an online resource which allows you to search for journal titles and check the access options for journal articles. You may be able to:

  • Access full-text via a PDF download
  • Link to the full-text online
  • Request a copy from the Health Library

Some content presented will be freely available as open access content; some will be subscribed content and you will need to log in using your NHS OpenAthens username. Some content will not be available and you can submit an article request to the library. We will then try to locate a copy from another library.

How to access Browzine

You will need to link to the version of Browzine that is set up for your NHS organization.

We support NHS staff who work for:

  • University Hospitals of North Midlands
  • North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare
  • GPs, GP practices and CCGs within Staffordshire

You can find the links to Browzine on our web pages:

Search for a Journal Title

Once you click your organisaton link for Browzine, you are presented with the main search page. You can double check that you have selected the correct list by checking the organization name.

Enter your journal title or keyword to search for a journal title. Or browse the journal list by selecting the subject / specialty area.

Search page for browzine

Here is an example subject area: nursing and allied health:

Subject page for nursing and allied health showing a range of journal titles

As you enter text into the search box, journal titles and subject areas matching the text are displayed. Subject areas are identified by the red filing cabinet drawer icon. You can opt to view either an individual title presented or a subject area.

Search results for text "surgery" showing matching titles and subject areas

View a Journal Title

Clicking the title in the search results list presents the journal page. Here you can see: the journal title, list of issues, table of contents for the issue selected and an option to view all issues.

Example journal page for the Annals of Plastic Surgery

Underneath the article title you can see the access options for the article. If access is via one of our subscribed titles, you will be prompted for your NHS OpenAthens login.

The “See All” option takes you to the Knowledge & Library Hub list where you can view our complete holding if available.

Example journal page on the Hub, showing the subscribed content

More Options

There are a couple of additional options that you might find useful.

From the top menu bar you can click the search icon to enter another search or view your previous searches.

View of the top menu bar showing additional options

By clicking the search terms you can re-run the search and then select another title from the search list.

Example search options

Example search results

By clicking the settings icon on the top menu bar you can go to the settings page and change your organization. This is useful if you are registered with multiple organisations. However, you need to make sure that you use the correct NHS OpenAthens username with the correct Browzine list.

Settings page where you can change the browzine list to another organisation

More Help

  • Use the options on our page Articles for the NHS to find the full-text when you have an article reference.
  • Contact Cheryl, the eresources librarian, for help accessing journals.


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