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What is OrthoEvidence and why is it useful?

 OrthoEvidence (OE) is a global digital content provider of the best evidence in orthopaedics. OE identifies, analyses, summarises, and grades the top 5% of published content and makes it available in an easy-to-read ACE (Advanced Clinical Evidence) format for users.

It can save you time by identifying and summarising the best evidence in this specialist field.

The Health Library has subscribed to OrthoEvidence and makes it available to researchers and professionals working with patients with musculoskeletal conditions.

You can access a range of content including:

ACE Reports (advanced clinical evidence reports)

These reports summarise selected high quality orthopaedic-based RCT papers, including analysis, critical appraisal and summary, in an easy-to-read format.

web page showing a list of ACE reports on OrthoEvidence

OE Originals

These original research briefs published by OE provide new data analyses, results, and insights to inform critical questions. They summarise evidence from published datasets.

page showing OE originals reports

OE Insights

These articles are written by OE's Editor-in-Chief, and in-house data scientists. They provide readers with critical discussion on perspectives and topics that lack quantitative data. These papers synthesise published and grey literature, anecdotal accounts, expert opinions, as well as original research.

page showing  list of OE insights reports

Videos and podcasts

OrthoPods are fun and insightful interviews with leading healthcare leaders, innovators and pioneers in orthopaedics. Topic covered include current interests, work/life balance, leadership and clinical areas.

display of videos and podcasts on the OE website

If you work in orthopaedics or physiotherapy OrthoEvidence can help you to stay up-to-date with the latest research and current topics.

For more information watch this video from OrthoEvidence:

This resource is not available via OpenAthens login. We have a limited number of accounts available. Please contact the eresources librarian at for instructions to obtain your login account.

Please be aware that OrthoEvidence is already available to members of Royal College of Surgeons of England.


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