You can access a wealth of healthcare-based resources as well as a range of specialist services from the Health Library website. These are specially developed to support your studies, research, work and professional development. Use Quick Links to get to the services you need straight away We’ve created handy lists of the key services our main user groups will need. So, if you need to get straight to a particular service check the Quick Links list on the home page for Keele Students, NHS Staff and Keele Academics. Quick Links lists on the Health Library home page Access the Health Library website The Health Library for North Staffordshire, based at the CEC (Royal Stoke University Hospital) supports Keele University healthcare-based staff and students as well as NHS staff working for our partner organisations . The Health Library website is freely available online. You can find information about our facilities and services as well as links to access our specialist...
Develop your information skills to support evidence-based practice, CPD, revalidation & patient care