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Check Your Saved Searches - NHS Databases Content Changes April 2019

The NHS National Core Content collection will be changing from April 2019.

The National Core Content collection is the databases and journals that are purchased nationally for staff working within the NHS in England. You access these resources via your NHS openathens login. The database collection forms part of HDAS – the Healthcare Databases Advanced Search database. You can find a full list of all the resources included via the NHS Library Services website.

Database List on HDAS

This April there will be a number of changes that may impact any saved searches you have or how you conduct new searches:

Key Changes:

CINAHL Plus with Full Text and Health Business Elite (HBE) will no longer be part of the collection.
This means that from 01 April 2019 you will not be able to access and search these databases in HDAS, or via the EBSCO native interface as part of the Core Content subscription.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text will be replaced with the CINAHL index in both HDAS and the EBSCO native interface.

A new database – Ovid Emcare – will be available to search in HDAS and the Ovid native interface.

A new full text collection - EBSCO Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection – will be made available via the national link resolver and from the NICE Journals and Databases page.

What you need to Do:

You may want to take the following action on any saved search strategies - including those that have an alert – for the decommissioned databases before 01 April. Please note that Health Business Elite will be decommissioned on Friday 29 March 2019.

CINAHL Plus with full text
Any searches you’ve saved in HDAS that used this database will automatically be changed on the 01 April so that they use the CINAHL index.

For saved searches in the EBSCO native interface you will need to manually migrate any searches you want to re-use to the CINAHL index database. This can be done by editing the search from your folder in the native interface, selecting the CINAHL Index database and saving the search.

Further support from is available from EBSCO available at: and Ebsco will be offering short WebEX training sessions on the transfer of native interface saved searches from CINAHL Plus to CINAHL.

Health Business Elite
HBE will be decommissioned on Friday 29 March.

Saved Searches and Alerts in HDAS
Any saved search strategies and alerts in HDAS that were run in HBE as a single database will be removed and will not be available.

Saved search strategies in HDAS that are set to run across multiple databases, which include HBE as one of those databases, will return an error message until HBE is removed from the search strategy. For alerts in HDAS that include HBE, instead of the usual alert you will receive an email with a message saying the database is no longer available. You will receive an email for each alert that includes HBE.

If you want to keep the saved search or alert, you will need to edit the strategy and remove HBE and any dependent rows. Any outstanding searches that still contain HBE at the end of June 2019 will be automatically deleted in HDAS.

Saved Searches and Alerts in EBSCO
Saved search strategies and alerts in the EBSCO native interface that are set to run across multiple databases, which include HBE as one of the multiple databases, will no longer work and will result in an error. If you want to keep the saved search you should delete HBE from the search strategy.  The search alert can be updated by editing it from your folder in the native interface. For your alerts to continue to work you will need to make this change before 01 April.

Links to full text articles from CINAHL Plus with Full Text and HBE
Full text journal content that was accessible within these databases will not be available. Links in HDAS saved results won’t show, and where links have been exported from HDAS – for example into current awareness bulletins – these will result in an error unless you have another route of access to the journal, such as a local subscription to the relevant journal title, the title is available in an alternative full text collection or is Open Access.

You may wish to edit any saved searches, including alerts, to add EMCARE.

Training courses are available on using NHS-subscribed databases and journals. You can find more information on our website.

If you have any queries please get in touch with the Library Team.


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