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Working with multiple resources from multiple organisations

Are you a Keele student but also an NHS member of staff? Are you an NHS member of staff completing a university course? Do you have a membership for a royal college or society?  A word about working with multiple resources, from multiple organisations. Generally we'd say that you should use all the resources available to you. This includes resources from the University, but also resources you can access as NHS staff and possibly resources you can access as part of your membership to colleges or societies. This will increase the chances of you finding the information you need, increase the likelihood of accessing healthcare specialist resources and increasing the chances of you getting full-text access. However, searching lots of different resources can throw up some problems. The main problem is that resources can get confused if you are using different logins to access different resources. Many resources try to pick up your previous login credentials which may not be relevant for ...

Looking for Case Reports

 Case reports can often help you to find something out of the ordinary and give you individual examples of how someone else has responded to an event. This may be something unusual or new and innovative. They are often narratives relating to a specific occurrence. These resources help you to find case reports: BMJ Case Reports for unusual clinical cases UHNM and Keele University both have a subscription to the BMJ Case Reports journal. Staff and students can search the journal to access full-text case reports. The subscription includes the option to submit your own report, giving you the opportunity to be published. If you come across a rare and unusual clinical case consider sharing your experience and submitting your own report. See our website for more help using BMJ Case Reports . Fab NHS Stuff for practical applications and innovative practice Fab NHS Stuff is a repository of ideas and innovations of healthcare practice. Practicing healthcare professionals can sub...

THE NHS OpenAthens Essentials

   Your NHS OpenAthens username is your gateway to access thousands of specialist online resources. Make sure you follow the NHS OpenAthens essentials checklist: Register Online Complete  the online form  to register for your NHS OpenAthens username. All NHS staff are eligible. NHS Details Make sure you enter your NHS work details on the form ā€“ we need to know who you are. We use your NHS-based email address to verify your application and approve your account. NHS Organisation Enter the correct NHS organisation so that you get all the resources purchased for you. We support the following organisations: University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM) ā€“ search for UHNM or ā€œnorth midlandsā€ North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare ā€“ search for Staffordshire GP practices and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent ā€“ search for Staffordshire, select organisation ā€œPrimary Care and ICB in Staffordshire & Stoke Log on Use your username / password ...

Set up Google Scholar for easy access to Keele University online collections

 Get quick access to Keele University full-text articles when searching on Google Scholar. If you use google scholar to find online articles, link to your library subscriptions to access full-text straight away. Here's how to do it: 1. Go to Google Scholar Google Scholar  is a google product that allows you to search academic or scholarly based content indexed by google. It covers hundreds of disciplines and sources. It is suitable for simple text searching or for looking for specific articles, where you have the reference. To set up links to your library full-text content, click the  menu  option in the top left corner. 2. Go to Google Scholar Settings From the drop-down menu select the  Settings  option from the drop-down list. 3. Go to Library Links From the  Settings  page, select the  Library Links  option. 4. Search for the Keele University Library collection Search  for ā€œkeele universityā€ in order t...

NHS OpenAthens - what's fact or fake?

 We get asked lots of questions about NHS OpenAthens - do you know what's fact or fake? Take this short quiz to find out. NHS OpenAthens: What's Fact or Fake? Have you heard about an NHS OpenAthens username? Do you know how it can help you? Do you want to learn the facts? We get some strange comments from people about what NHS OpenAthens is. Go to this Sway

Register for your NHS OpenAthens username - step-by-step instructions

  NHS staff  can register for an NHS OpenAthens account so that they can log on to online resources purchased by the NHS and your library service. Register for your Account To register you need to  complete the online form . 1. Enter your name 2. Enter your NHS-based email address Using your NHS address will allow the system to automatically approve you. Otherwise your account will be placed on a list for approval. You won't be able to use resources until your account has been approved. Do not use a personal email address such as gmail or yahoo. We will not be able to verify this or approve the account. 3. Enter your organisation This is the NHS trust that you work for. You should see suggested options to select once you start typing. We support the following organisations: University Hospitals of North Midlands North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare (try looking for Staffordshire) Primary Care and ICB staff in Staffordshire and Stoke - this includes staff working in GP ...

Looking for exam support

 Prepare to be your best for your exams. Use our specialist resources to help you to revise and get ready for your medical exams. Get resources Medical Exam Revision Collection Whether you are a medical undergraduate, or working towards your MRCP, FRCA, MRCPsych or DRCOG (to name but a few); whether you're looking for SJTs, MCQs, SBAs or EMQs, we have the book for you! Browse our Medical Exam Revision collection online to see if we have the text you need. Members of the library can request a reservation to pick up from the library. Are we missing a vital text? Please let us know by completing a stock suggestion form . Medical Masterclass Are you preparing for the MRCP(UK) examination? Then try the Medical Masterclass online resource to take mock tests and access features to help you to revise. Find out how to get access from our help page . Medical Masterclass printed texts are also available at the library. Check on Library Search for availability. Get help using...

Looking for resources for midwifery students

  M idwifery students need to find the best, most relevant information and evidence to complete their assignment s .   Keele University buys a wide range of different types of resources to give you access to good quality information.   Books and eBooks   You can borrow bo oks and access ebooks by searching for your topic on Library Search. Library Search holds information about all the books / ebooks available to Keele students. You can borrow books from either the Campus Library or Health Library .   Read our blog post f or instructions on how to read a n ebook on Library Search .   Running a s imple s earch on Library Search   You can also run quick, simple searches on Library Search for articles and journals , as well as books / ebooks . The results may include a wide range of content as Library Search includes resources across the many disciplines covered by Keele courses.   See our blog post for instructions on running simple search...