HEE TEL group have released some news about the latest online learning modules released on the e-Learning for Healthcare hub (e-LfH).
The e-LfH hub is accessible via your NHS OpenAthens username.
HEE's Covid-19 Vaccination Programme
HEEās TEL team has worked in partnership with Public Health England to develop the COVID-19 Vaccination e-learning programme. The e-learning programme is designed to provide the health and care workforce involved in the national COVID-19 vaccination programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of the vaccine and deliver the vaccine programme effectively.
The e-LfH vaccination programme consists of a core knowledge session and a vaccine-specific session with accompanying assessment sessions for each. More vaccine-specific sessions will be added as and when more COVID-19 vaccines become available and authorised for supply in the UK.
This e-learning programme provides theoretical training. Practical training in vaccine administration, and assessment and sign-off competency is also required before administering the COVID-19 vaccine.
Additional, complementary, e-learning sessions including basic life support, anaphylaxis and statutory and mandatory training are available to support vaccinatorsā training and education.
The e-learning sessions describe the national COVID-19 vaccination programme for England and vaccinators should ensure that they refer to any country-specific information available, so they are familiar with the details of the programme for the country they are practising in.
Coronavirus Programme
The e-LfH Coronavirus (COVID-19) e-learning programme has now had over 3m session launches since going live in March 2020.
New and updated content is regularly being added to the programme to further meet the needs of the workforce responding to the pandemic.
A new resource, COVID-19 IPC Training for Care Homes, has been added to the programme. It is designed to support infection prevention and control (IPC) trainers in a care home setting. The resource is also applicable to staff working in care homes. The course comprises four short sessions covering social distancing, hand hygiene, caring for someone with COVID-19, maintaining a COVID-19 safe environment and considerations for care home managers on how to make their care homes more ready and resilient to face the COVID-19 pandemic.
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