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Showing posts from October, 2023

Hot Topic! Flu

 Yes, winter is coming so that means flu season. The Guardian reports a study indicating that people may suffer ā€˜long coldsā€™ more than four weeks after infection . Here is a selection of resources detailing the latest guidelines and recommendations for dealing with flu: [You will need your NHS OpenAthens username to access these resources] Oxford Medicine Online ā€“ Chapter 45 Respiratory infectionā€”viral in Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine BMJ Best Practice ā€“ Influenza Infection Clinical Key (available to UHNM only) ā€“   Influenza Clinical Overview Clinical Knowledge Summaries ā€“ Influenza-seasonal Cochrane Library systematic reviews ā€“ Cochrane Special Collection: Influenza Royal Marsden Manual Online ā€“ Nursing care of patients with suspected or known infection: managing safe care in Chapter 4: Infection prevention and control Patient Information Flu [BMJ Best Practice] Influenza, Paediatric [Clinical Key] Get your NHS OpenAthens username R...

Get updates from the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants straight to your inbox

 Staff working at UHNM have full-text access to the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. This journal provides easy to read articles covering good practice in all areas of healthcare. Staff working in, or towards, roles as healthcare or nursing assistants and assistant practitioners will find good quality, evidence-based articles to support their training and work. This blog post will show you how to sign up for journal updates to get the latest articles. The email sent to you takes the form of an eToC ā€“ this is an electronic table of contents. It is basically a list of all the articles published in an issue, and includes links to the articles. Sign up for journal updates 1. Go to the journal page See our blog post How to log in to the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants to find out how to get to the journal page. 2. Set up your account to receive updates Click the alert icon on the journal home page ā€“ this looks like a bell. You will need to create a pers...

How to log in to the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants

 Staff working at UHNM have full-text access to the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants . This journal provides easy to read articles covering good practice in all areas of healthcare. Staff working in, or towards, roles as healthcare or nursing assistants and assistant practitioners will find good quality, evidence-based articles to support their training and work. This blog post will show you how to log in to the journal to access full-text articles. First you will need an NHS OpenAthens account ā€“ this is a username / password that will give you access to many of the libraryā€™s NHS resources. Find out how to register for your NHS OpenAthens username from our blog post Register for your NHS OpenAthens username - step-by-step instructions . You can log in to the journal either by going via our library collections or by finding the journal on the publisherā€™s website. Log in via the Health Library collection 1. Start at the Health Library website Go to the Health Lib...

Hot Topic! Sickle Cell Disease

 Sky news ran a report recently on blood donation needed for sickle cell treatments and talked to the Henry family from Wolverhampton. What do you know about sickle cell and how it should be treated? Check these resources for an overview, key points, diagnosis, treatment options, follow-up and more. [You will need your NHS OpenAthens username to access these resources] Oxford Medicine Online ā€“ chapter Sickle cell disease and the lung in Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine BMJ Best Practice ā€“ Sickle Cell Anaemia Clinical Key (available to UHNM only) ā€“ Sickle Cell Disease Clinical Overview Clinical Knowledge Summaries ā€“ Sickle cell disease Royal Marsden Manual Online ā€“ Complications: delayed transfusion reactions in Chapter 12: Respiratory care, CPR and blood transfusion Patient Information Sickle cell disease: what is it? [BMJ Best Practice] Sickle cell disease: what treatments work? [BMJ Best Practice] Sickle Cell Anemia, Adult (Easy to read) [Cli...

Hot Topic! Skin Cancer

  ā€œSkin cancer rates are rocketing. Thanks to over-enthusiastic sunbathing in previous decades, melanoma cases have tripled in numbers in the UK since the early 1990sā€ ā€“ reports the Guardian in an article introducing new research on treatment. Check these resources for an overview, key points, diagnosis, treatment options, follow-up and more. [You will need your NHS OpenAthens username to access these resources] Oxford Medicine Online ā€“ Chapter 34 Skin Cancer from Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing BMJ Best Practice ā€“ Overview of Skin Cancer Clinical Key (available to UHNM only) ā€“ Melanoma Clinical Overview Clinical Knowledge Summaries ā€“ Skin cancers - recognition and referral Cochrane Library systematic reviews ā€“ Diagnosing Skin Cancer (special collection) Patient Information Skin cancer (melanoma): how is it diagnosed and treated? [BMJ Best Practice] Squamous cell skin cancer: questions to ask your doctor [BMJ Best Practice] Preventing Skin Cancer, Ad...