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Showing posts from June, 2021

Current Awareness Service - email updates ending

   Google feedburner will be removing the feature which allows us to send updates from our   Current Awareness Service   to your inbox. This means that you will not be able to subscribe to our Current Awareness topic feeds. If you are already subscribed and receive updates to your email inbox, then this service will end after July 2021. Our Current Awareness feeds will continue to be available via the Netvibes website.  You can view them here. If you wish to receive journal updates to your email inbox you can sign up to individual journals, if available. If you have any queries please contact Cheryl, the eResources Librarian, at

Welcome to all new NHS staff - learn more about your library service

 Welcome to all new NHS staff. I'm sure the first few months will be busy and a little daunting. Please take a few moments to complete our online Library Induction and learn how we can help you to settle in and support your ongoing work and career. Photos of NHS staff at work You can: Join the library Register for your OpenAthens account Learn about key resources Access full-text Learn more about training opportunities and how we can help you to develop your information skills Ask us to find evidence for you The tutorial Is available to ALL our NHS staff ā€“ staff working for UHNM, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare, Clinical Commissioning Groups in Staffordshire and GPs and GP practice staff within Staffordshire. It includes: Frequently asked questions Short videos Links to get you started Let us help you to deliver the best patient care.  Complete our online NHS Library Induction tutorial  to find out how.

WDIM - What does it mean?

 Abbreviations and acronyms - the NHS can be worse than LoD (Line of Duty).  Do you know your A&E from your WZF? Here are a few resources to help you out: NHS Acronym Buster - over 1000 acronyms commonly used in the NHS Abbreviations commonly found in medical notes - aimed at the public, a list of abbreviations found in medical notes Check the Library for related books on medical terminology at class mark R123 Please remember to communicate clearly and always ask if you're not sure.

Find full-text articles from NHS eJournals to help you to make key decisions

You can access the latest research and articles from ejournals, giving you the best evidence to make key decisions. What are ejournals? eJournals are online electronic versions of journals, accessible via the Internet. They contain articles and published research and are usually issued on a regular basis throughout the year. Journals on a shelf Many journals are not freely available online. The Health Library and the NHS subscribe to ejournals on your behalf. Our ejournals collection is developed to support your learning, research and patient care. How to Accessā€¦ Who can access? The ejournals that you can access will vary depending on the organisation that you work for and what they have decided to purchase for you. All NHS staff can access nationally purchased content. The Library has purchased titles specifically for the NHS organisations we support. Log in You can find out which titles are available by checking the NHS Journals A-Z list . You will need to login with your NHS OpenAth...

Ovid Search Builder - helping you to create your search strategy

 You can use the Ovid Search Builder tool to help you to create sophisticated search strategies easily; to find the information you need quickly. What is the Ovid Search Builder Tool? The Ovid Search Builder tool is an interface that guides you through the steps needed to help you to create complex but focussed search strategies.  You can add keywords that can then be mapped to synonyms and database thesaurus terms You can select from a range of filters to focus your search You can set alerts so that you stay up-to-date with the latest research matching your search criteria How do you access it? The Ovid Search Builder is only available via Ovid databases. These are only available to our NHS users via the native Ovid database interface. You'll find a link to Ovid on our NHS Resources page . Select the Ovid link and log in with your NHS OpenAthens username. The Ovid Search Builder button is on the top menu bar. Screen-shot of Ovid search interface showing the Ovid Search Builde...