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Showing posts from January, 2021

9 things every student should know about before starting a literature search

  Healthcare students will be expected to develop the right digital skills to help them to find good quality evidence. Whether you are presenting arguments in an assignment, researching for your dissertation or supporting a patient-care decision you need to be able to search effectively to find the right information. We often refer to this type of searching as completing a literature search - that is running a search of the relevant literature such as guidelines, reviews and articles.  We can help you to develop the right skills. There are 9 key steps that you can follow to help you to complete your literature search. Here is a (very) brief summary: Plan - create a plan of your search to help you to focus on what you need to look for and to make sure you don't forget anything. Breakdown your question - analyse your question and break it down into different parts so that you are clear on what you need to answer and what you should include. Identify search terms - from your q...

Everything you need to know about NHS OpenAthens

 NHS OpenAthens is an authentication system. It allows NHS staff to access a wide range of different online resources using a single username / password. Complete our online tutorial NHS OpenAthens Registration to get the essential information about OpenAthens, how it can help you and help completing the registration form Do you just want a reminder on how to do something? Just follow our quick step-by-step instructions: Register for an OpenAthens username using the online form Move your username to a new organisation Reset your password Renew your OpenAthens account Access online resources Need a quick checklist? Follow the steps in this infograph: NHS OpenAthens Essentials Checklist Want more help? All the information you'll need about your NHS OpenAthens username is available on our NHS OpenAthens web page . Or feel free to contact your OpenAthens administrator .

Top COVID-19 related articles accessed in Clinical Key in 2020

 Clinical Key is a clinical search engine, providing acccess to a range of full-text journals and ebooks. It is available to our UHNM staff via NHS OpenAthens username.  Clinical Key have drawn up a list of their most popular articles relating to Covid-19.  It will probably be easier for you to access the content if you log in to Clinical Key first . Go to the list: Top 20 COVID-19 related Articles accessed by clinicians globally

ClinicalKey Content Updates: January 20th, 2021

  New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Dizziness and giddiness Knee pain (nontraumatic) Nephritic syndrome Weakness Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Chronic kidney disease Colorectal cancer Coronavirus: novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection Generalized anxiety disorder Major depressive disorder Books Added ā€“ CK Global Atlas of Contemporary Aesthetic Breast Surgery  (Pu, Lee L.Q.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323511131; Package/Collection: Plastic Surgery; New to CK; Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery  (Baggish, Michael S.) 5th ed; ISBN:; Package/Collection: Cardiovascular Disease Essentials; New edition (replaces 9780323225526); Campbellā€™s Operative Orthopaedics  (Azar, Frederick M.) 14th ed; ISBN: 9780323672177; Package/Collection: Flex Only; New edition (replaces 9780323374620);

Journal of Clinical Oncology - change of platform

   The Journal of Clinical Oncology is available to NHS staff via your NHS OpenAthens username. Our subscription for this title has changed this year. You can now access full-text via the Ovid platform. All journal titles are accessible from our  NHS Journals A-Z list . For more help finding journals via this list please check  our step-by-step instructions .

Supporting People with Disabilities - suggested reading from Clinical Key

 T he WHO estimates that more than one billion people - about 15% of the world's population - experience some form of disability and almost everyone will be temporarily or permanently impaired at some point in life. Clinical Key have gathered relevant guidelines and articles around this topic. You can find relevant content of Disabilities on your ClinicalKey subscription.  Clinical Key is a clinical based search engine available to UHNM staff via their NHS OpenAthens username. You might find it easier to log in to Clinical Key first , before clicking the links below. Suggested  Disabilities & COVID19  articles: Best practice guidelines for communicating to parents the diagnosis of disability Telemedicine barriers and challenges for persons with disabilities: COVID-19 and beyond.   Disability and Health Journal. Annaswamy, Thiru M., MD MA; Verduzco-Gutierrez,ā€¦ Show all. Published October 1, 2020. Volume 13, Issue 4. Article 100973. Impact of COVID-19: Nursing...

e-Learning for Healthcare Hub - new and updated online training relating to the Covid-19 pandemic

 HEE TEL group have released some news about the latest online learning modules released on the e-Learning for Healthcare hub (e-LfH). The e-LfH hub is accessible via your NHS OpenAthens username. HEE's Covid-19 Vaccination Programme HEEā€™s TEL team has worked in partnership with Public Health England to develop the  COVID-19 Vaccination e-learning programme . The e-learning programme is designed to provide the health and care workforce involved in the national COVID-19 vaccination programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of the vaccine and deliver the vaccine programme effectively. The e-LfH vaccination programme consists of a core knowledge session and a vaccine-specific session with accompanying assessment sessions for each. More vaccine-specific sessions will be added as and when more COVID-19 vaccines become available and authorised for supply in the UK. This e-learning programme  provides theoretical training.  Practical training...

Don't miss out on the latest updates to resources

 Make sure you stay up-to-date with any changes to library resources.  Make the most of out training opportunities to help you to develop your digital skills.  Sign up to this blog - Information Skills for Health - and get the latest news in your email inbox. Click the "Subscribe" link at the top of the page, enter your email address and follow the instructions. When something new is added to the blog, you'll get the information directly via email so you wont miss a thing.

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS): new topics and updates

 Please see the following news release about recent topics in Clinical Knowledge Summaries: NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) topics  are aimed at healthcare professionals working in primary and first contact care in the UK. The 370 topics cover 1000 clinical presentations or patient scenarios and are free to access. The following CKS topics have been created or updated over the past months: September All Cancer  recognition and referral topics  ā€“ these topics have been updated to bring them into line with the update of NICE guideline  Suspected cancer: recognition and referral. Cervical screening  and  Cervical cancer and HPV  - these topics have been updated in line with the Public Health England (PHE) guidance  Cervical screening: programme and colposcopy management to incorporate details of primary HPV screening . Addisonā€™s disease  - information that people with Addison's disease taking an equivalent dose of 20 mg prednisolone...

Getting started with Clinical Key - new SWAY presentation

 Have you tried Clinical Key yet? This is a clinical database, available to our UHNM users, via NHS OpenAthens login. Learn more about how you can complete searches and access full-text resources by completing our new presentation. Watch videos, demos and follow step-by-step instructions. Getting Started with Clinical Key   "visit clinical key for quick access to better evidence"  Go to this Sway

How are you completing a literature search?

 Do you know how to complete a literature search to find the latest, most relevant evidence? Have you got the right skills? Why don't you complete our Check Your Skills tutorial to find out if you have the right skills and are following the right steps. Need to improve your skills? Complete our Information Skills etutorials Contact our training team for more help

Access Blood journal - change of platform

 The journal Blood is available to NHS staff via your NHS OpenAthens username. Our subscription for this title has changed this year. You can now access full-text via the Science Direct platform. All journal titles are accessible from our NHS Journals A-Z list . For more help finding journals via this list please check our step-by-step instructions .