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Showing posts from April, 2019

How to Run a Basic Search on Library Search

Library Search allows you to search across a range of library collections; including the book collections at the Health Library and LERC (County, Stafford). You can also search the online resources purchased by Keele University. Note that for NHS users Library Search does not give you access to full-text items. As an NHS member of staff you access online resources using your NHS OpenAthens username. Library Search is a relatively simple search tool and we would not recommend it as a tool to replace health-specific bibliographic databases such as medline or cinahl. Library Search is most useful for: Finding an item in the book collection Checking for full-text access to an ejournal or article within the Keele online collection Running a scoping search to gauge whether literature is available for a topic Here are step-by-step instructions on how to run a simple search to find a book. 1. Go to Library Search. You can get to Library Search by clicking the...

5 Things to Check on your Library Search Account

Library Search is a discovery tool, allowing you to find items within the library collections. Log in to your Library Search Account to: 1. See an overview of your Account Once you have logged in to Library Search, select your name from the top menu bar. Then select ā€œMy Library Accountā€ from the drop-down box. Drop-down option where you can select "My Library Account" on Library Search You can now see a overview dashboard of the main aspects of your account including: Recent Loans Fines & Fees Requests Blocks & Messages Account Overview page where you can see Loans + History, Fines + Fees, Requests and Blocks + Messages To view items in more detail click the tabs along the top of the overview screen. 2. View Current Loans and History Click the Loans and History option. You will first be presented with a list of items that you currently have on loan. Loans + History - the current loans option is selected and a list...

Essential Training Courses for NHS Staff

Healthcare professionals need to make healthcare decisions based on good quality evidence. Make sure you have the right skills to find the right evidence effectively. Staff in a training room facing the tutor Sign-up to our training courses to develop your skills and learn how to use good quality, healthcare-specialist library resources. Courses available include: Health Library Induction ā€“ come along and have a tour of the library and learn about all the facilities and services you can use Health Library Induction Plus ā€“ learn what the Health Library can offer you and where you can get quick and easy access to full-text information Literature Searching Healthcare Databases ā€“ learn how to develop a search strategy and apply it to NHS specialist healthcare databases to find full-text articles Evidence-based Databases ā€“ find out more about higher-level databases such as the Cochrane Library, so that you can locate systematic reviews Critical Appraisal for Beginners:...

How to login to Library Search if you are an NHS staff member?

*** please see updated post Login to Library Search - step-by-step instructions for NHS staff *** Library Search is a discovery tool, allowing you to find items within the library collections. By logging in to Library Search you can access a range of additional functionality, such as: Viewing your library account Submitting a request to hold a book for you Adding items to your e-bookshelf Saving searches Note that for NHS users logging in to Library Search does not give you access to full-text items. As an NHS member of staff you access online resources using your NHS OpenAthens username. Log in to Library Search 1. Click the Sign-in option on the top menu bar. Menu bar for Library Search - the Sign in option is top-right 2. Select the Login Type ā€œNHS and other usersā€. Log in screen with 2 options - select the option for NHS users 3. Enter your library card number and the password and click Login. Note that you will have been given an...

What is Library Search for NHS Staff?

Library Search is a discovery tool, allowing you to find items within the library collections. Library Search home page It coversā€¦ Book collections You can search across the book collections held at: Campus Library at Keele University Health Library for North Staffordshire LERC (Library, Education and Resource Centre, County Hospital Stafford) eBook collection eBooks, which are available to NHS users via your NHS OpenAthens username, can be accessed via Library Search. Keele Online Resources It also covers the online resources subscribed to by Keele University. The articles, ejournals and databases covered by Library Search relate to Keele University online subscriptions only. None of the NHS-subscribed articles, ejournals and databases can be searched using Library Search. NHS Staff and Library Search NHS staff will find that Library Search is a valuable tool to help you to discover what books and ebooks are available within the librar...

Essential Training Courses for Keele Students

Keele students studying nursing, midwifery or medicine should take these essential training courses to make sure you have the right skills to find the right evidence for your assignments and dissertation. Row of Computers and person using a PC mouse Youā€™ll need to have the right skills and be able to use good quality, health-specialist databases in order to find the right evidence to make good healthcare decisions. Sign-up to our training courses to develop your skills and learn how to use library resources. Health Library Induction Plus ā€“ learn what the Health Library can offer you and where you can get quick and easy access to full-text information Literature Searching Ebsco Databases ā€“ learn how to develop a search strategy and apply it to our specialist ebsco databases to find full-text articles Evidence-based Databases ā€“ find out more about higher-level databases such as the Cochrane Library, so that you can locate systematic reviews Critical Appraisal for Beg...

ClinicalKey Content Updates: April 8, 2019

Journal Removals Journal of Acute Medicine;  ISSN: 2211-5587; Package/Collection: Emergency Medicine. Transferred to Society. Recommended alternative ā€“ Journal of Emergency Medicine Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas;  ISSN: 2251-7294; Package/Collection: Flex. Transferred to Society. Recommended alternative ā€“ Medical Hypotheses Books Added ā€“ CK Global Atlas of Gynecologic Surgical Pathology  (Clement, Philip) 4th ed; ISBN: 9780323528009; Package/Collection: Flex Only; New edition (replaces 9781455774821); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20160009403 Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System  (Abbas, Abul) 6th ed; ISBN: 9780323549431; Package/Collection: Medical Education Extended; New edition (replaces 9780323390828); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20160052403 Chestnutā€™s Obstetric Anesthesia  (Chestnut, David) 6th ed; ISBN: 9780323566889; Package/Collect...