What is it?
Pubmed is a freely available, online, searchable, bibliographic
database, which includes data from Medline. You can use it to complement and
supplement your literature searching.
Key Features
You use the main text box to enter your simple free-text search terms or
the more sophisticated advanced search options to combine searches and apply
The results list will often include links to freely available article
pdfs, though you will need to check on our journal lists for access to most journal titles.
The search results list can be filtered, emailed or exported.
If you sign-up and create a free login you can also save your searches
and set up alerts.
How can it help you?
is a useful extra database for you to search as part of your literature
searching. As well as including Medline it does include a number of additional
scientific databases.
How to access it?
is freely available on the Internet to search. Note that you may not have
access to all the full-text articles.
Did you know?
includes a number of additional helpful tools:
Single Citation
ā use this tool to find the complete reference of an article if you do not have
the full reference. Complete the form with the data that you have for an
article and click the Search button. If the article exists on Pubmed, it will
return the bibliographic details that it retains.
MeSH on Demand ā you can use the
MeSH on Demand tool to search for MeSH terms from text or search terms entered;
you can even enter an abstract of an article you have found.
More help?
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