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Showing posts from March, 2018

What is Critical Appraisal?

Learn more about critical appraisal and what tools you can use to help you to critically appraise a research paper - complete our etutorial on Critical Appraisal Tools . Image showing info about the critical appraisal tools etutorial

Evidence for Everyday Nursing: Resource of the week #26

What is it? Evidence for Everyday Nursing is a blog from the Cochrane Library. They provide summaries around the evidence available for common topics affecting nursing practice. Key Features The blog items cover topics that affect everyday nursing issues. They are written by healthcare professions and include a brief analysis of the evidence available. You can follow the latest updates via social media such as facebook and twitter as well as sign-up to get updates in your email inbox. Screen-shot of the Evidence for Everyday Nursing blog How can it help you? This blog can help you to keep up-to-date with the latest evidence on a range of nursing topics. The blog entries may also offer you an opportunity to discuss current practice for your revalidation. How to access it? The blog is freely available via the Internet.

Problems logging in to ClinicalKey

Some users are currently experiencing problems logging in to Clinical Key. This resource is available to UHNM athens users. However we have encountered a problem whereby if your athens account has not been activated on Clinical Key and you try to log on via the Keele network, the log on procedure does not work correctly. We have not had problems reported off-Keele-network and activated accounts seem to be OK irrespective of network. The problem has been reported to the provider and we hope to have a fix soon.

Apps and Access and Searching

You can use various apps and mobile-friendly websites in order to access good quality healthcare information on the go. We have re-arranged our website and you can now find details about the mobile possibilities of our resources in our Online Guides and Support Section . Check out: Mobile Essentials for the NHS – a list of resources and search tools available to NHS staff Mobile Essentials for Keele – a list of resources and search tools available to Keele staff These include details about mobile accessible options for: BNF / BNFc Clinical Key Cochrane Library Dynamed Ebsco Databases NICE Guidelines

Practice Your Critical Appraisal Skills

Get ready for your assignment by practicing your critical appraisal skills. You can sign-up to one of our training courses for beginners and have a go critically appraising a paper. There are 2 courses: Critical Appraisal of a Qualitative Study Critical Appraisal of a Randomised Controlled Trial Each course is led by a librarian from our training team. Dates are now available for April through to June. You can book online or get in touch with our training team to book.

Looking for Local Health Library Services?

You can find a list of local library services that might be helpful to you on our website. The section on Regional Library & Information Services has now moved to the Find section of our website. Here you'll find links to: Library, Education and Resources Centre, County Hospital, Stafford RJAH Health Library Shrewsbury Health Library Staffordshire University Library Stoke on Trent Public Health Information Service

Health Library Training Programme: Resource of the week #25

What is it? The Health Library Training Programme is a schedule of face-to-face training courses, designed to help you to develop your information skills. It is issued every 3 months. Key Features The courses available include Health Library Induction Plus – where you can get an introduction to the library facilities, services and resources as well as an overview of some of the most important online healthcare resources. Literature Searching using databases – this course is provided in 2 versions, one covering NHS-based databases and one covering Keele-subscribed databases. You’ll learn how to create a search strategy and apply it to specialist healthcare databases. Evidence-based Databases – this is another course available as either an NHS or Keele version. Here you’ll learn about secondary evidence-based resources such as the Cochrane Library along with others. Critical Appraisal for Beginners – start developing your critical appraisal skills and practice apprai...

ClinicalKey Content Updates: March 12, 2018

New Clinical Overviews (past 30 days) – CK Global Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) Corneal abrasion/foreign body Diabetic foot infection Fibrous dysplasia and McCune-Albright syndrome Lipomas Polycystic ovary syndrome Sickle cell disease Vitiligo Journal Added International Journal of Surgery Protocols ; Years of Coverage: 2016 to present; ISSN: 2468-3574; Package/Collection: Surgery Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24683574 Journals Removed International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus ; ISSN: 1877-5934; Package/Collection: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism; Transferred to another publisher. Recommended alternative –  The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Pediatric Infectious Disease ; ISSN: 2212-8328; Package/Collection: Pediatrics; Transferred to another publisher. Recommended alternative –  The Lancet Infectious Diseases Books Added – CK Global Aesthetic Surgery Techniques  (Frame, James) 1st ...

Medline: Resource of the week #24

What is it? Medline is a medical bibliographic database, containing the details and abstracts of thousands of articles relating to medicine. You can search across a wide range of medicine-related journals. Key Features We provide access to the Medline database via 2 routes: Ebsco databases – for Keele staff and students HDAS databases – for NHS staff Both these routes allow you to use the following functionality: Perform simple and advanced searching Use thesaurus searching Save searches Export results Access some full-text articles How can it help you? The Medline database allows you to search a wide range of medicine and related topics, to find the research you need for your assignments, dissertations and research. How to access it? Medline is available on the Internet via the Ebsco databases and the Proquest databases. You will need to log on: Keele staff and students have access via the Ebsco databases. You should use the Medline link on your...

Ebsco Login to Cinahl and Medline with Full-Text for NHS Athens Users

If you are using the NHS Journal A-Z list and select to access ejournals available via Ebsco Cinahl or Medline with full-text databases, then you may be prompted to log in. Please select the “openathens login” link and enter your Athens username / password if prompted. Screen-shot of the Ebsco Login Screen

What are the top 10 popular ejournals on ClinicalKey?

Clinical Key is a clinical search engine made available to UHNM Athens users . It includes a wide range of resources such as full-text journals and ebooks. Our most accessed ejournals during 2018 were: Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine The Lancet Neuroimaging Clinics of North America Heart Rhythm Journal of the American College of Cardiology Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Schizophrenia Research Why not check out which ejournals are available in your specialty? Watch our short demo to learn how to access ejournals on Clinical Key

The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff: Resource of the week #23

What is it? The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff is a website that allows NHS staff to share ideas and good practice with colleagues across the country. Key Features You can search for practical ideas that other members have shared and look for solutions to help you to improve your own practice. You can also submit your own solutions and practical ideas that have worked for you, your trust and your patients. You can participate in the annual Fab Change Week by adding your pledge to change something. You can use the search box to search for keywords or page down to the list of category tags to select a particular topic. You can follow the Academy of Fab NHS Stuff on social media or sign-up to receive the latest updates in your inbox. How can it help you? This is a great resource to help you to investigate what other trusts and NHS colleagues are doing in small and big ways to improve patient care. You can also share your own good practice. How to access i...

Finding NHS eJournals – quick step-by-step

Here are some quick step-by-step instructions on how to find whether you have access to the full-text of an ejournals. 1. Start at the Health Library home page Screen-shot of the Health Library home page   2. Click on the Journals option on the right-hand quick links list Screen-shot of the Health Library home page 3. Select the “NHS Journals” option on the Journals page Screen-shot of the Health Library's journals page 4. Enter your NHS Athens username / password when prompted and click the “Sign on” button Screen-shot of the Athens login page 5. Enter the Journal Title that you want to check; select the search option (I’d recommend “Start of title”) Screen-shot of the journal search page 6. Click the search button to run your search Screen-shot of the journal search page 7. You’ll then be able to see a journal entry if you have access to this title. You need to check whether the holdings cover the year / volume ...

What are the most popular ebooks on ClinicalKey?

Clinical Key is a clinical search engine made available to UHNM Athens users . It includes a wide range of resources such as full-text journals and ebooks. Our most accessed ebooks during 2018 were: Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology (Sixth Edition) Goldman-Cecil Medicine (Twenty-fifth Edition) Emergency Radiology: the Requisites (Second Edition) Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Ninth Edition) Fundamentals of Body CT (Fourth Edition) Easy EMG (Second Edition) Breast Surgery (Fifth Edition) Colorectal Surgery (Fifth Edition) Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology (Fourth Edition) Why n ot check out what text-books are available in your specialty? Watch our short demo to see how to find ebooks on Clinical Key. Here’s a reminder of some of the core texts available for junior doctors.