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Showing posts from August, 2017

Core eBooks from ClinicalKey for Junior Doctors at UHNM

Here is a reminder of some of the core texts that are available as ebooks on Clinical Key: Goldman-Cecil Medicine   Gray's Anatomy   Macleod Clinical Examination   Chapman & Nakielny's Guide to Radiological Procedures Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine Churchill's Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis Ferri's Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine Ferriā€™s Practical Guide: Fast Facts for Patient Care Pediatric Clinical Skills Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies 2017 Intravenous Medications Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology To access Clinical Key  log in using your NHS Athens username / password . You can then  search for an ebook title . Many ebooks can be read offline. To be able to download ebook chapters to read, you need to  activate your account .

Looking for Grey Literature?

Grey Literature refers to non-traditional sources of information and may include: reports, leaflets, bulletins, dissertations etc. These sources of information may not be published through the traditional route and may not be available within typical bibliographic databases. We have updated our Literature Searching Sites  web page to include resources that you can use to find grey literature. You'll find links to help you to find reviews, guidelines, reports, clinical trials, and theses. You'll also find links to specific grey literature databases.

ClinicalKey Mobile App

You can now install the Clinical Key app and access evidence on the go. You must have activated your account on Clinical Key . You can then go to your mobile store and download the app. You will be prompted to login ā€“ follow the openathens option and use your Athens username / password. Features include: Intuitive search, including keyword search with filtering, auto suggest and search history Access to full-text books, full-text journals, guidelines, images, videos and more Ability to bookmark and save items, synced with web application Persistent login, enabling quick and easy access

ClinicalKey eBooks with Videos

Some of the ebooks within ClinicalKey now have accompanying videos. These are linked to the general content of the ebooks and include body part examination techniques. To read ebooks and access the videos you need to have activated your account. On the ebook page you will see a new link if videos are available. Screen-shot of ebooks page Clicking the link will allow you to browse the index of videos associated with the book. Screen-shot of video index You can then select the video title to view it. Use the video controls to play, pause, rewind or stop the video. Close the video page to go back to the ebook. Screen-shot of video page

ClinicalKey Content Updates: August 7, 2017

Books Added ā€“ CK Global Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Reconstruction and Basic Science, The  (Prodromos, Chadwick) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780323389624; Package/Collection: Orthopedics Extended; New edition (replaces 9781416038344); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20140029784 Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, Volume 3: Epidemiology, Biology, and Therapy of Melanoma and Other Cancers  (Hayat, M.A.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780128035085; Package/Collection: Hematology-Oncology- Palliative; New to CK; dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20140050058 Fracture Management for Primary Care, Updated Third Edition  (Eiff, M. Patrice) 3rd ed (Updated); ISBN: 9780323546553; Package/Collection: Family Medicine; New edition (replaces 9781437704280); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20160046508 Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine  (Legato, Marianne) 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780128035061; Package/Co...

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Need to access Healthcare Info on the Go?

If you want to access our major resources via mobile devices, then check the Mobile Essentials for NHS page on our website. Here youā€™ll find links and details about a range of information sources suitable for mobile devices ā€“ both apps and mobile-friendly websites. Get Mobile Essentials image