NHS staff can access a wealth of online resources to support studies, work, continuous development and best practice in patient care. Get access to ebooks, journals, articles, databases and clinical tools with a single username / password ā your NHS OpenAthens username . Register online Complete the online form to get your OpenAthens username. For more help follow these step-by-step instructions or watch our video: For a quick overview of some of the resources available watch our short video: Need more help? Not sure if an NHS OpenAthens username is for you? Complete our online tutorial NHS OpenAthens - what's fact or fake . Want to learn more about the resources we have on offer? Take a look at our Finding NHS Resources etutorial. Need more help managing your NHS OpenAthens username? Check our NHS OpenAthens web page . Get in touch with the Health Library for more help finding the information you need.
Develop your information skills to support evidence-based practice, CPD, revalidation & patient care