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Showing posts from November, 2020

Elsevier COVID-19 Healthcare Hub

 Elsevier are publishing a Healthcare Hub which includes evidence-based resources, podcasts, videos and toolkits to support healthcare staff during the covid-19 pandemic. You'll find resources to support yourselves as well as patient care. This weeks highlights include: Clinical Resilience : Watch a series of short videos to get insights and recommendations to help healthcare teams build resiliency to support mental wellbeing. Meditation : Even though it is hard to find a few minutes to regroup, a short, daily mindfulness practice can help you build a foundation for dealing with difficult events. Try a mindfulness session now. Access additional resources in Elsevierā€™s COVID-19 Healthcare Hub  Mental Health Toolkit .

ClinicalKey Content Updates: November 16th, 2020

Clinical Key updated content  New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Immunizations in adults Malaise and fatigue Neck pain Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Atrial fibrillation Conjunctivitis Coronavirus: novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection COVID-19 critical care Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) Urinary tract infection in adults Books Added ā€“ CK Global Atlas of Diagnostic Hematology  (Salama, Mohamed) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323567381; Package/Collection: Hematology, Oncology, & Palliative Medicine; New to CK; Atlas of Pediatric Echocardiography  (Kucera, Filip) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323759816; Package/Collection: Cardiovascular Disease Extended; New to CK; Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine  (Rothe, Camilla) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780702078798; Package/Collection: Infectious Disease; New edition...

BMJ Best Practice - Information for medical students

BMJ Best Practice is an NHS core content resource - provided centrally by HEE and made available to all users who have a valid NHS-based OpenAthens account. Students on NHS-sponsored healthcare-based courses are eligible for NHS/HEI OpenAthens accounts. This is an NHS-based account, available to students throughout their course and provides access to all resources within the NHS core content collection. These are set up for eligible Keele students and are managed by Campus Library (see either Paul Johnson or Steve Parton). We have received reports of a couple of problems that students have come across whilst trying to log in to BMJ Best Practice. When encountering problems with BMJ BP access try the following: Check you are using your NHS OpenAthens account. The username starts with NHSac - it should be active, eligible and within date If you can't remember your password, you can reset it online yourself. Try clearing the web browser cache   Try opening an incognito...

Searching Cochrane Library for systematic reviews

 If you are looking for a systematic review then check out our new online presentation Searching Cochrane Library for systematic reviews - here you will learn: What is the Cochrane Library? What is a systematic review? How can you access the Cochrane Library? Navigating the Cochrane Library home page Browsing for systematic reviews Using the search interface Reading a systematic review Cochrane Library on the go Learn more about the Cochrane Library and how to conduct a systematic review Searching Cochrane Library for Systematic Reviews This presentation will give you a very brief overview of the Cochrane Library and show you how to search the database to find systematic reviews. You will be able to read my blog posts and ā€¦ Go to this Sway

Coronavirus resources - Covid-19 Evidence Bulletins

 Our Clinical Effectiveness Librarian, Mathew, is producing a regular bulletin containing the latest news, evidence and research about covid-19 / coronavirus. You can see the latest issues on our website . Get in touch with Mathew if you want more information about the bulletins.