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Showing posts from January, 2020

New online information center to the latest clinical and scientific information from Elsevier

From Elsevier: " For the benefit of healthcare professionals, medical researchers and the public, Elsevier has created a   Novel Coronavirus Information Center   with freely available information in English and Mandarin Chinese on the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, including new information about the recent outbreak in China. The  Information Center on Elsevier Connect , the companyā€™s public news and information website, brings together all relevant content from Elsevierā€™s medical journals, textbooks, clinical experts and other clinical information and medical literature. The website offers open access to clinical resources and tools, including: Clinical guidance  regarding diagnosis and treatment A  downloadable patient education handout Nursing  care plans and skills Links to  global public health authorities  and national health ministries The information center was created by clinicians and other professionals at Elsevier...

ClinicalKey Content Updates: January 21, 2020

Journals Added ā€“ CK Global Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation ; Years of Coverage: 2019 to present; ISSN: 2666-061X; Package/Collection: Sports Medicine; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 2666061X EJVES Short Reports ; Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2405-6553; Package/Collection: Surgery Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24056553 Forensic Science International: Reports ; Years of Coverage: 2019 to present; ISSN: 2665-9107; Package/Collection: Pathology Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 26659107 Journal of Otology ; Years of Coverage: 2014 to present; ISSN: 1672-2930; Package/Collection: Otolaryngology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 16722930 Journal of Sport and Health Science ; Years of Coverage: 2014 to present; ISSN: 2095-2546; Package/Collection: Sports Medicine; dura/browse/journalIssue/...

Get to grips with online resources - new training dates available

If you need help using our resources or want to improve your literature searching skills, then check out the new dates for our training courses. Keele Students: Try our short "in a nutshell" courses or go more in-depth on a longer course. Check out all the options on our web page . NHS Staff: Learn more about our NHS-based healthcare resources and how you can find the evidence quickly.

ClinicalKey Content Updates: January 14, 2020

New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global E-cigarette, or vaping, product useā€“associated lung injury Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome Myocarditis Strongyloidiasis Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Anaphylaxis Community-acquired pneumonia in adults HIV infection and AIDS in adults Sepsis Urinary tract infection in children Journals Added ā€“ CK Global (Note: Additional journals are in progress) International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine ; Years of Coverage: 2014 to present; ISSN: 2352-6467; Package/Collection: Pediatrics; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 23526467 Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, The ; Years of Coverage: 2014 to present; ISSN: 1553-7250; Package/Collection: Internal Medicine Essentials; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 15537250 One Health ; Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2352-7714; Package/Collection: Infectious Disease;  https://www...

Problems exporting references from Cinahl to RefWorks

We have had reports of users experiencing problems exporting references from Cinahl into RefWorks. This may also be affecting other ebsco databases. The providers are working on the problem and we hope there is a solution soon. In the meantime the following instructions have been issued as a work-around: In Cinahl select and export your references to a RIS file Go to RefWorks (new) and login to import the RIS file Select the + sign and then select Import references. Under the heading "Import from a file" drag and drop or select the file generated by the export. The system will try to determine the format; if it does not identify the RIS Format select it from the drop down and click import. The data will show up in the last imported area. Apologies for the inconvenience.