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Showing posts from January, 2019

Literature Searching Tools

When you are developing your literature search, it is a good idea to breakdown your question into component parts so that you can clearly identify the key elements that you need to look for. There are a number of tools that can help you to do this. We have developed some worksheets that you can use: PICO ā€“ perhaps the most well-known tool; it can help you to develop a clinical question CLIP ā€“ use this tool to help you to breakdown questions about health service management issues ECLIPSE ā€“ another tool dealing with health service management issues SPICE ā€“ this can help you to breakdown questions about social science issues You can find the worksheets for these tools, along with more help on literature searching, on our website, in the Online Guides and Support section .

Acta Cytologica Login Instructions

Acta Cytologica is an NHS-subscribed journal, available via OpenAthens username / password. To Login: 1. Find the journal entry on the NHS A-Z journals list. You can find instructions on how to do this here . 2. Select the link for the online journal. Screen-shot of the journal entry in the NHS A-Z journals list 3. This link will take you to the publisherā€™s page. Screen-shot of the journal page for Acta Cytologica 4. Find the article you are looking for ā€“ you can use the ā€œYearā€ drop-down link or page-down to see recent issues or the archive. Screen-shot of the options to view previous issues of Acta Cytologica 5. Once you have found the article you want you may need to login to view the full-text. Use the ā€œLoginā€ link at the top of the page. Screen-shot showing the full-text is not automatically presented 6. Select the OpenAthens login option. Screen-shot showing the different login options to this website 7. Then enter ...

ClinicalKey Content Updates: January 17, 2019

Journals Added (CK Global) Addictive Behaviors Reports;  Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2352-8532; Package/Collection: Psychiatry; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 23528532 Advances in Cosmetic Surgery;  Years of Coverage: 2018 to present; ISSN: 2542-4327; Package/Collection: Plastic Surgery; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 25424327 Advances in Molecular Pathology;  Years of Coverage: 2018 to present; ISSN: 2589-4080; Pathology Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 25894080 Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology;  Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2352-345X; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology-Hepatology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 2352345X Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications;  Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2451-8654; Package/Collection: Flex Only;  https://www.clinicalkey....

NHS eJournals Cancelled 2019

The following NHS ejournal subscriptions have been cancelled this year: American Journal of Gastroenterology BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Cancer Cancer Cytopathology Chest Clinical Pharmacist Clinical Rehabilitation Journal of Nuclear Medicine Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Nursing Management Pediatric Pulmonology Pharmaceutical Journal Practice: Social Work in Action Primary Health Care Psychological Medicine Please check the NHS A-Z list for available ejournals. You will need to log in with your NHS Athens username.

ClinicalKey Content Updates: January 10, 2019

New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Abruptio placentae Alcohol use disorder Baker cyst Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Cholera Coxsackievirus infections Fragile X syndrome Gallbladder cancer Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener granulomatosis) Major depressive disorders in pregnancy Miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss Mitral regurgitation Schizophrenia Small-bowel obstruction Books Added ā€“ CK Global Emery and Rimoinā€™s Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics and Genomics: Clinical Principles and Applications  (Pyeritz, Reed) 7th ed; ISBN: 9780128125366; Package/Collection: Advanced Basic Science; New to CK; dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20160033466 Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  (Frontera, Walter) 4th ed; ISBN: 9780323549479; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; New edition (replaces 9781455775774); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C...

ClinicalKey Content Update: December 31, 2018

Journal removals completed on December 31, 2018. As previously announced, the 4 journals listed below have transferred to other publishing organizations.  Please note  that back issues of  PM&R  (years 2009-2018) will remain on ClinicalKey (Global) for the duration of 2019. The other 3 journals have been removed from CK, as of December 31, 2018. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine;  ISSN: 1203-7796; Package/Collection: Family Medicine. Recommended alternative ā€“ Canadian Medical Association Journal. Journal of Urology, The;  ISSN: 0022-5347; Package/Collection: Urology. Recommended Alternative ā€“ European Urology. PM&R;  ISSN: 1934-1482; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Recommended Alternative: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Urology Practice;  ISSN: 2352-0779; Package/Collection: Urology. Recommended Alternative: European Urology Focus.