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Showing posts from July, 2018

Clinical Key Login Issues

I have an update on the Clinical Key login issues that we have been experiencing. The problem logging into Clinical Key whilst using the Keele network has been resolved. So as long as you are using a valid UHNM Athens account you should now be able to log in correctly and view full-text. We still seem to have an issue with activating accounts when using the Keele network but you can use the UHNM network and activate from there ā€“ a reminder of what activating your account will give you here .

NHS Staff should register for an NHS Athens Account

If you work for the NHS you should register for an NHS openathens account. This will allow you to access online resources such as ebooks, journals and databases. To register complete the online form . Make sure you use your NHS-based email address so that you can be automatically verified. You will be sent an email containing a link to set up your password; follow the instructions it contains. You will find links to the resources available to you on the Health Library website here . For more help: Complete our etutorial Register with NHS Athens Check out our Athens page

Proquest PsychArticles: Resource of the week #43

What is it? Proquest PsychArticles is a bibliographic database containing full-text articles for journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. It covers topics on psychology, behavioural science and mental health issues. Key Features The PsychArticles database is delivered via the Proquest platform and via HDAS. This offers you general functionality such as: Basic and advanced searching options Filter options to focus your search Ability to save searches Ability to export results How can it help you? This is a topic-specific database, providing access to the latest research in the psychology and mental health fields. How to access it? This database is only available to NHS users via their NHS Athens username. You search the database either via the Proquest database or via NHS/NICE HDAS (healthcare databases advanced search). For links ...

Clinical Key: Resource of the week #42

What is it? Clinical Key is a clinical search engine that allows you to use simple free text to search through thousands of articles to quickly find answers you need. Key Features It includes a wide range of content, such as: Journals eBooks Drug resources ā€“ BNF and BNFc Guidelines ā€“ including NICE Patient Education leaflets Videos You can also choose to include Medline in your search as well as the Clinical Key content. When presented with search results you can use the filters to focus your search by: Source type Specialty Date Authoring organisation There are additional advanced features such as saving content and creating presentations. How can it help you? Clinical Key offers you access to a wide range of full-text material in many different forms. The search facility is a simple search engine which can easily help you to find the right information quickly. How to access it? Clinical Key is available to UHNM via their NHS Athen...

Pubmed: Resource of the week #41

What is it? Pubmed is a freely available, online, searchable, bibliographic database, which includes data from Medline. You can use it to complement and supplement your literature searching. Key Features You use the main text box to enter your simple free-text search terms or the more sophisticated advanced search options to combine searches and apply limits. The results list will often include links to freely available article pdfs, though you will need to check on our journal lists for access to most journal titles. The search results list can be filtered, emailed or exported. If you sign-up and create a free login you can also save your searches and set up alerts. How can it help you? Pubmed is a useful extra database for you to search as part of your literature searching. As well as including Medline it does include a number of additional scientific databases. How to access it? Pubmed is freely available on the Internet to search. Note that you ma...

Find Full-Text Articles

How do you go about looking for the Full-text of an article? Not sure what an article is? Complete our etutorial What is an Article? To learn about the different elements of an article that you will need before you start your search. So now you have your article reference and you can recognise all the different elements ā€“ where are you going to start? First things first ā€“ not everything is freely available on the Internet so expecting to find everything via Google is being a bit optimistic. Secondly ā€“ the library service buys stuff for you. We purchase journals so that you can access the full-text. What do we buy? You can find out what we buy by looking on our Journals Lists. Lists ā€“ thereā€™s more than 1? We have a journals list that we buy for Keele students and staff. We have a journals list that we buy for our NHS users. The lists are different ā€“ that is, we buy different journal titles for our different groups of users. Keele Journals The K...

ClinicalKey and Patient Education

Clinical Key has sent me an update about the patient education content within Clinical Key. ClinicalKey offers access to leaflets that support hospital staff to deliver patient education in multiple languages, as well as adapted text for different populations (easy-to-read). Patient Education materials in ClinicalKey cover conditions, procedures, drugs and behaviours and include approximately 10,000 individual leaflets. Patient Education handouts can be customised to add a custom comment and contact details for the treating professional. You can share Patient Education information with individual patients, as a printed handout or electronic pdf file and for their personal use. How to access and customise Patient Education handouts 1. Log in to Clinical Key using your UHNM Athens username. 2. Use the search options to look for patient education content on the topic you need. screen-shot of search page 3. The results matching your search criteria will be pre...

NICE/NHS My Journals A-Z List: Resource of the week #40

What is it? The NICE/NHS My Journals A-Z List is a list of all the journals that we subscribe to for our NHS Athens users. Key Features You MUST login with your NHS Athens username in order to view all the titles that are available at your trust. You will then be able to search for a journal title. You can also browse the list via the alphabet. Each journal entry will tell you what holdings you can access and, importantly, where you can access the articles from ie the platform, database or publisher website. How can it help you? This list is the main ā€œgo toā€ list to check whether you have access to the full-text of the articles you are looking for. How to access it? You can find a link to the list via the Journals page on the Health Library website. eTutorial Complete our etutorial Finding NHS eJournal s to learn more about the list or check our Information Skills blog for quick step-by-step instructions on using the list .

NHS Quick Links on the UHNM Intranet

I have added a new pdf document to the Health Library page on the UHNM intranet. This contains links to the major NHS-based resources. There are sections on: Athens Journals Databases Books Current Awareness Reference Resources And more help, including training, literature search service and article requests screen-shot of NHS Quick Links Please remember to check the Health Library website for a comprehensive list of services and resources.

Book on one of our training courses to develop your Information Skills ā€“ New Dates!

Want to find information quickly? Need to brush up on your literature searching skills? Why not book yourself onto one of our training courses ? Health Library training courses are presented by qualified librarians, usually to small groups and offer you plenty of time for hands-on practice. Our courses include opportunities to: Get help finding the right information via the Internet Learn how to conduct a literature search and use our databases to get information quickly Find high-level good quality systematic reviews and evidence summaries using the Cochrane Library and similar resources Start to develop your critical appraisal skills Get to grips with Refworks Book yourself on a session by getting in touch with our Training Team or book online .