What is it? The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination , or CRD, is a research institute based at the University of York. They specialise in evidence synthesis of multiple research studies and complete systematic reviews and economic evaluations to support healthcare decision-making and development of policy. Key Features One of the key resources produced by the CRD is the CRD database. This allows you search for CRD reviews, economic evaluations and health technology assessments. The database allows you to combine search terms using AND, OR or NOT, and use publication date to focus search results. The results list includes items that match your search criteria. The entry for each search record will include the bibliographic information and where possible a link to the full-text. You can select search entries and export them. Some of the entries include a commentary from CRD. Don’t forget to check other resources available to you for the full-text of the entry, if the full...
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