Cinahl is a nursing specialist database. It can help you to find good quality research and evidence, focused on nursing topics. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you to use it effectively. Use Quotes When searching with your own keywords, always put phrases (more than one word) in double quotation marks " " eg “high blood pressure”. This will help to focus your search to that specific phrase. Use Truncation Use truncation after the stem of a word to ensure that you get singular and plurals of words and other variations, eg nurs* gives you nurse, nurses and nursing. This helps you to expand your search to include variations of your keywords. Use the Thesaurus Always back up your keyword search with a thesaurus search (CINAHL headings). Thesaurus terms are added to articles, like an index in a book. This increases the likelihood of you finding articles about that topic. It can also help you to find more technical terms for your keywords. For example you...
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