You might find it helpful during your searching activities to save items that you find really useful or interesting. You can save articles, books, chapters, images or videos. This blog item will show you how to save articles on Clinical Key. Log on Clinical Key is available to staff working at UHNM . You will need to login using your NHS Athens username. Save Articles from Search Results Here is an example search: I have searched for full-text RCTs on nut hypersensitivity. Screen-shot of an example search in Clinical Key You can save articles directly from your search results, by selecting the box on the left of the article title. You can select more than one at a time. Once an article is selected you will see a number of icons become visible at the top of the list. Select the “Bookmark” icon to save your selected articles. Screen-shot of selected articles Add tags You will be prompted to add a tag – this is a descriptor that will be added to each article yo...
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