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Showing posts from January, 2025

NHS OpenAthens - the essentials to managing your account

 Your NHS OpenAthens username is your gateway to access thousands of specialist online resources. Make sure you follow the NHS OpenAthens essentials checklist: Register Online Complete the online form to register for your NHS OpenAthens username. All NHS staff are eligible. NHS Details Make sure you enter your NHS work details on the form ā€“ we need to know who you are. We use your NHS-based email address to verify your application and approve your account. NHS Organisation Enter the correct NHS organisation so that you get all the resources purchased for you. We support the following organisations: University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM) ā€“ search for UHNM or ā€œnorth midlandsā€ North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare ā€“ search for Staffordshire GP practices and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent ā€“ search for Staffordshire, select organisation ā€œPrimary Care and ICB in Staffordshire & Stoke Log on Use your username / password to log on to a wea...

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Updates

 NIHR Evidence has published the following collections and summaries: Is surgery the best option? Research provides alternatives Endometriosis, fibroids and heavy periods: long-term research supports treatment decisions Care home app reduced residentsā€™ hospital admissions Amoxicillin is effective for many people hospitalised with pneumonia Community perinatal mental health teams reduced womenā€™s risk of mental illness relapse System-level changes are essential to improve the psychological wellbeing of NHS staff People on long waiting lists use more healthcare resources than others Group-based intervention reduced opioid use among people with long-term pain Brain training improved thinking, memory and attention in older people

New titles for the NHS Kortext ebook collection

New Fast Fact titles have been added to the Kortext ebook collection available to NHS staff. The titles are: Fast Facts for Patients: Alpha Thalassemia Fast Facts for Patients: Colorectal Cancer with KRAS Mutation Fast Facts for Patients: Follicular Lymphoma Fast Facts for Patients: Marginal Zone Lymphoma Fast Facts for Patients: Sexual and Reproductive Health after Gynaecological Cancer Fast Facts for Patients: Urogenital Atrophy Fast Facts: Aromatic L-Amino Decarboxylase Deficiency Fast Facts: Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis Fast Facts: Epilepsy in Children and Young People Fast Facts: Follicular Lymphoma Fast Facts: Marginal Zone Lymphoma Fast Facts: The Gut Microbiome You can access these titles via: the Kortext collection available from our ebooks page searching the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub You will need to log in using your NHS OpenAthens username.

What is NHS OpenAthens?

 To access our NHS-subscribed, online resources you need a username / password - this is an NHS OpenAthens username / password. OpenAthens is a protocol that allows you to log in to many different online resources using just one username and password. It is a service purchased by the NHS so that all NHS staff can easily access online resources such as ebooks, articles, journals, databases and clinical tools. To register for your NHS OpenAthens username complete the online form . Need more help? For more help you can: Contact your NHS OpenAthens administrator Complete our etutorial: NHS OpenAthens - what's fact or fake? Go to our NHS OpenAthens web page Go to our NHS OpenAthens help page

NHS OpenAthens - what's fact or fake?

 What do you know about NHS OpenAthens? Are you eligible for an NHS OpenAthens username? What can you access with an NHS OpenAthens username? Do you think an NHS OpenAthens username will help you? Ignore all the rumours and check out what's fact or fake news. Complete our short quiz - NHSOpenAthens - what's fact or fake - to learn more about NHS OpenAthens, whether you are eligible and how you can get your own username to access key resources. Our updated etutorial is free and easy to access. Have a go at the quiz to find out whether you know the facts about NHS OpenAthens. Then complete the online form to register for your username - step-by-step instructions are available. Need more help? Contact the Health Library if you need more help setting up your NHS OpenAthens username.