Staying up-to-date with the latest evidence and keeping on top of the plethora of published material is an important activity for modern healthcare professionals. The Health Library can make it easier for you. Health Library Current Awareness Service The Health Library uses KnowledgeShare to help you to stay up-to-date with the latest evidence. Sign-up to get evidence update emails and the latest journal electronic table of contents (eToCs) straight to your inbox. You can get personalised emails on a range of topics including clinical conditions and diseases as well as management, quality improvement and patient safety issues. Content can include articles, reviews, reports and summaries. You can also receive table of contents emails for the latest issue of the journals you want to keep abreast of. Make sure you stay up-to-date to give the best patient care. Request your evidence update Request your journal eToC update Stay in touch with the Health Library Sign up to ...
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