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Showing posts from December, 2023

Hot Topic! Breast Cancer

The Guardian reports that some women at higher risk of developing breast cancer will be offered a drug to reduce that risk: Drug that can halve breast cancer risk offered to 289,000 women in England . How can you support breast cancer patients? Whatā€™s the best evidence? Check these resources for an overview, key points, diagnosis, treatment options, follow-up and more. [You will need your NHS OpenAthens username to access these resources] Oxford Medicine Online ā€“ Chapter 22 Breast Cancer in Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing BMJ Best Practice ā€“ Breast Cancer in Situ Clinical Key (available to UHNM only) ā€“ Breast Cancer in Females Clinical Knowledge Summaries ā€“ Breast cancer - recognition and referral Cochrane Library clinical answers ā€“ Can weight loss interventions improve outcomes for overweight and obese breast cancer survivors? Royal Marsden Manual Online ā€“ Chapter 27: Living with and beyond cancer Patient Information Breast cancer: DCIS (very early breas...

Hot Topic! Norovirus

 The Guardian reports an increase in norovirus infections ā€œ 179% higher than last year ā€ resulting in increased winter pressures in hospitals. What do you know about norovirus infections and how can you help your patients?  Make sure you have the best evidence - check these resources for an overview, key points, diagnosis, treatment options, follow-up and more. [You will need your NHS OpenAthens username to access these resources] Oxford Medicine Online ā€“ Chapter 6 Gastroenteritis in Emergencies in gastroenterology and hepatology BMJ Best Practice ā€“ Viral gastroenteritis in adults Clinical Key (available to UHNM only) ā€“ Gastroenteritis in Children Clinical Knowledge Summaries ā€“ Gastroenteritis: How should I assess a person with suspected gastroenteritis? Royal Marsden Manual Online ā€“ Chapter 6: Elimination: diarrhoea Patient Information Diarrhoea in adults [BMJ Best Practice] Norovirus Infection [Clinical Key] Get your NHS OpenAthens username Regist...

RCP withdraws Medical Masterclass

 The Royal College of Physicians is withdrawing the online exam support resource Medical Masterclass. We made this available to UHNM staff. The RCP statement reads as follows: ------- As you may be aware the current format of MRCP(UK) PACES ceased in the UK in August 2023.   Due to this, and because there are many other widely-used revision aids on the market already, as well as in-house Trust-delivered revision courses, there is less demand for the revision resources we have previously supplied.   Therefore, we are now no longer offering the following revision resources listed below: Question banks ā€” revision for Part 1 and Part 2 RCP PACES masterclass ā€” revision for PACES. Textbooks  ā€” revision for Part 1, Part 2, PACES (Forming the Medical Masterclass Package) ------- We have a number of accounts which will remain available until December 2024. If anyone still wants to use this resource please contact the library team at County by emailing  library@...