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Showing posts from March, 2023

What do you think of our etutorials?

    Have you tried one of our Information Skills eTutorials ? Let us know what you think. We are always looking to improve our service and value your comments. Complete   our  online feedback form Need more help? Please  contact the Health Library  if you need any help. Check our  Information Skills for Health blog  for more news about our etutorials.

Why is referencing important?

 What is the point of referencing and how serious is plagiarism? Complete our tutorial Introduction to Referencing and Plagiarism to find out. For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Looking for Guidelines

 You need guidelines to find out the latest best practice and recommendations for treatments and therapies. Resources to help you to find guidelines: NICE NICE is the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. It publishes a wide range of evidence-based, UK-based guidelines. Finding a NICE guideline You can view guidelines by condition, health and social care delivery, health protection, lifestyle and wellbeing, population group or healthcare setting. You can also view all guidelines and then filter by your keyword search term. Viewing a NICE guideline The guideline page includes a web page version of the guideline as well as a link to download the PDF version. You can also see related content to the topic. Tools and Resources – to help you to put the guideline into practice Information for the Public – this may be useful for creating patient information Evidence – review of supporting evidence History - documents created during development Clinical Key Cl...

Get critical appraisal tools to help you use the best evidence

 Are you completing a literature search and want to make sure the articles you use are good quality? Then make sure you check what tools will help you to critically appraise the articles you find. Complete our updated tutorial Critical Appraisal Tools For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Evaluating Information on the Internet

  The Internet is a great place to start looking for information and there are some great healthcare based resources available. In your work and studies you need to make sure that you are using good quality, relevant information. So... Complete our tutorial Evaluating Information on the Internet to learn how you can check online resources. For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Training from Ebsco: Supporting Systematic Reviews using EBSCOhost

 Training from the Ebsco team: Supporting Systematic Reviews using EBSCOhost Part 1 – Searching (60-minutes) This session will introduce the concepts of searching the healthcare literature to support systematic reviews from initial framing of a question, to demonstrate searching using one example of a framework – PICO - searching both keywords and subject terms for CINAHL and MEDLINE on the EBSCOhost interface. •       Tuesday, 4th April @ 10.00am Supporting Systematic Reviews using EBSCOhost Part 2 – Managing Results (60 minutes) This session will introduce options for managing search results after searching the literature on CINAHL and MEDLINE, in support of systematic reviews. This session will look at available options including using personal Folders to store and retrieve searches and references exporting to bibliographic so...

Evaluate your search results using the CRAAP checklist

  Make sure you only use good quality information sources. How can you do that? Use the CRAAP checklist. The WHAT ? Watch the video to learn more: For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Training from Ebsco: CINAHL Sessions - March & April 2023

 Online training sessions available from the Ebsco team: Searching CINAHL Databases – Basic level searching (60 mins) This session will introduce basic searching concepts on CINAHL, the most widely used and respected research tool for nurses, students and allied health professionals. In this session we will look at keyword (free text) searching, refining search results, viewing, printing & emailing results. •       Monday, 3rd April @ 12.00pm Searching CINAHL Databases – Advanced level searching (60 mins) This session will introduce more advanced search concepts on CINAHL. In this session we will look at Subject Searching, combining search results, saving and re-running saved searches, creating, and sharing custom folders. •       Wednesday, 22nd March @ 12.00pm

Training from Ebsco: Systematic Searching in MEDLINE on EBSCOhost (60 mins)

 Training is being offered by the team at Ebsco: Systematic Searching in MEDLINE on EBSCOhost (60 mins) This session will introduce advanced search concepts for searching MEDLINE. In this session we will look at developing a complex search strategy, incorporating wildcards and proximity search operators, running freetext and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) searches, and applying available filters to focus search results. In addition, saving and exporting search results in bibliographic management software, will also be demonstrated. Tuesday, 21st March @ 10.00am Wednesday, 26th April @ 12.00pm

Want to find good stuff on the Internet?

 If you like to search the Internet via Google, then check out our tutorial for tips and tricks to find what you need quickly. Complete our presentation Finding good stuff on the Internet . For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Have you tried searching the Cochrane Library for systematic reviews?

 Systematic reviews are a great resource for an overview and assessment of the current research around a particular healthcare issue. The Cochrane Library publishes healthcare-specific systematic reviews. You can get a brief introduction to the features from our etutorial Searching Cochrane Library for systematic reviews . You will be able to read my blog posts and watch Cochrane Library videos to learn: What is the Cochrane Library? What is a systematic review? How can you access the Cochrane Library? Navigating the Cochrane Library home page Browsing for systematic reviews Using the search interface Reading a systematic review Cochrane Library on the go Learn more about the Cochrane Library and how to conduct a systematic review For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Get started with Clinical Key

 Staff working at UHNM can get support from Clinical Key to help them make confident decisions and access full-text resources for in-depth reading. Complete our online tutorial Getting Started with Clinical Key to learn: How to access Clinical Key Searching Clinical Key Clinical focus for clinical decisions Full-text access for in-depth reading Saving content Using presentation maker For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Make the most of BMJ Best Practice

 BMJ Best Practice is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool. All NHS staff can access BMJ Best Practice. Healthcare students who have an HE / NHS OpenAthens username can also access BMJ Best Practice. Complete our tutorial Using BMJ Best Practice to learn:  What is BMJ Best Practice?  Who can access it?  Search and Browse  What type of information can you access? Using the Comorbidities Manager  Stay up-to-date  Get started with the App BMJ  Best Practice for Junior Doctors For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Need to find full-text for an article?

  Got a reference? Need to find the full-text? You can check for NHS full-text articles and journals by using tools to search NHS resources.  Learn how to quickly find full-text articles from NHS-subscribed journals by completing the tutorial  Find Full-Text Articles and Journals for the NHS . For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Which NHS database do you need?

  There is a wealth of information available via NHS-subscribed specialist databases. But which do you need? Cinahl? Psychinfo? Medline? Emcare? Embase? And where can you access them from? Take this quick interactive tutorial Which NHS database do you need? to get a recommended list. For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

What NHS eresources can you use?

 Are you looking for journals and databases? What about case reports or clinical decisions tools? How about ebooks, exam support or drugs references? Maybe you need some health management resources or patient information leaflets? Well, take a look at our etutorial Finding NHS Resources to find out about all the NHS-based resources you can access. For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

What is an article?

 You need to find and use scholarly, academic articles in your studies and literature searching. Make sure you can recognise academic articles by completing our tutorial What is an article? Learn more about academic articles: why you need them how they are published what bibliographic details you'll need For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Medline training sessions from Ebsco March 2023

 Please feel free to book on these online training sessions delivered by Ebsco: Systematic Searching in MEDLINE on EBSCOhost (60 mins) This session will introduce advanced search concepts for searching MEDLINE. In this session we will look at developing a complex search strategy, incorporating wildcards and proximity search operators, running freetext and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) searches, and applying available filters to focus search results. In addition, saving and exporting search results in bibliographic management software, will also be demonstrated. Tuesday, 21st March @ 10.00am Creating Alerts in CINAHL and MEDLINE (45 mins) This session will demonstrate how to keep current with the healthcare literature using search and publications alerts on the EBSCOhost interface. Thursday, 16th March @ 12.00pm

Library Search for NHS Users

 Library Search provides the library catalogue which includes all the books in the collections held at the Health Library (CEC), Campus Library and Health Library at County. NHS staff use Library Search differently from Keele University staff and students. Make sure you make the most of your library membership by learning how to use Library Search to get the information you need. Follow our  presentation for NHS staff Library Search for NHS for an introduction to the main features of Library Search. For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Don't miss out on the online ebook collection

 Many of our books are now available online, offering you key information any day or time. Make sure you know how to read books online, follow the easy instructions in our tutorial: Using eBooks For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Make the most of our book collection

 Books are a valuable resource, especially for finding established information. Make sure you get to the information you need quickly for your assignments. Complete our etutorial Using Books . For more help with literature searching: Take a look at  more etutorials Book a training session Contact the Health Library

Cinahl training sessions from Ebsco March 2023

Please feel free to book on these online training sessions delivered by Ebsco: Searching CINAHL Databases – Basic level searching (60 mins) This session will introduce basic searching concepts on CINAHL, the most widely used and respected research tool for nurses, students and allied health professionals. In this session we will look at keyword (free text) searching, refining search results, viewing, printing & emailing results. Tuesday, 7th March @ 10.00am Searching CINAHL Databases – Advanced level searching (60 mins) This session will introduce more advanced search concepts on CINAHL. In this session we will look at Subject Searching, combining search results, saving and re-running saved searches, creating, and sharing custom folders. Wednesday, 22nd March @ 12.00pm Creati...

Should you register for OpenAthens? Take our quiz to find out

 What do you know about NHS OpenAthens? Why are you putting off regsitering? Take our short quiz - NHS OpenAthens: what's fact or fake? - to find out what you know and why you should register. Need more help? Check our NHS OpenAthens web page for more information on registering for your NHS OpenAthens username.

Simple instructions to register for your NHS OpenAthens username

 All NHS staff have access to good quality, evidence-based, NHS-based online resources. Make sure YOU get access by registering for your NHS OpenAthens username. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions to register your account: For more help with NHS OpenAthens see our web page on the Health Library website .

Clinical Key Toolkit for March 2023

 What’s happening on Clinical Key in March? March 8th – No Smoking Day Join us commemorating #NoSmokingDay by reviewing and applying NICE Guideline NG209: Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence . Access this and other guidelines through Clinical Key. March 13 th to 17 th   – Nutrition and Hydration Week Are you aware of the 9 Principles Framework used to develop a healthy behavioral change to support healthy eating? You can read more about it on Development of eHealth-Based Behavior Change Support for Young Adults Using the Nine Principles Framework article included in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, part of Clinical Key. March 20 th – World Oral Health Day Join Clinical Key supporting International #WorldOralHealthDay through the use of Preventive Dental Care, Adult Patient Education handout. It’s available in +15 different languages! Make healthcare truly inclusive- EMPOWER recommends: March 13 th ...