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Showing posts from October, 2021

Are you finding the books you need?

 Get easy access to our book and ebook collections via Library Search. Find good quality information and established knowledge about key healthcare topics to support your studies and work. Library Search is the library catalogue, listing all the books and most ebooks in our collection. You can use the simple search interface and filter options to find books on your topic. Learn more about searching for books on Library Search by completing out online tutorials: Library Search in a Nutshell (Keele only) Library Search for NHS Users We also have a few specialist collections, which you can browse online. Special Collections Medical Exam Revision Books ā€“ a specialised and sought-after resource. Whether you are a medical undergraduate, or working towards your MRCP, FRCA, MRCPsych or DRCOG (to name but a few), and whether you're looking for MCQs, SBAs or EMQs, we have the book for you! Ovid Health Library Medical Education ā€“ ebook collection with over 35 fundamental text...

Have you registered with OpenAthens yet?

 Donā€™t forget that all NHS staff are eligible to register for an NHS OpenAthens username. We support staff working for: University Hospitals of North Midlands North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Clinical Commissioning Groups in Staffordshire GPs and GP practice staff within Staffordshire Your NHS OpenAthens username will give you access to a wealth of full-text online resources. Want to register now? Just complete the online form . Need a little help? Our video will show you what you need to do. Want to understand more about what OpenAthens is? Complete our online tutorial . screenshot of a slide from the tutorial

Do you know what NHS resources you can access?

Have you checked out all the resources you can access from the Library? You can get the evidence you need easily from our healthcare specialist collections. They include: Case reports ā€“ view unusual clinical cases or examples of healthcare practice Clinical decision support tools ā€“ make confident decisions with access to evidence-based, easy to read information Current awareness ā€“ keep up-to-date with the latest news and research in your area Drugs reference ā€“ read essential drug and medicine reference texts Exam support ā€“ get revision support for major medical exams Full-text access ā€“ get full-text for articles, journals and books from our collections Guidelines and procedures ā€“ get key evidence-based recommendations for services and treatments Healthcare Management ā€“ check relevant government, health bodies and charities for management-based information Literature searching ā€“ use sophisticated tools to facilitate your literature searching Patient information ā€“ find patient inform...

Make the most of what the library can offer you

 Join the library to access the many services we have tailored to your information needs. Make the most of the facilities, resources and services to help you get to the good quality, healthcare-specific evidence you need. Complete the Health Library etutorial Using the Health Library for all the info about what the library service can offer you. Images of collections from the Health Library tutorial

Online library support for UHNM staff

  You can access many library resources and services remotely from your workplace, home or even on the go. Our presentation Online Library forUHNM Staff gives you all the info you need to: Access online resources such as ebooks, journals and databases, for good quality information Develop your digital skills by completing our etutorials and online presentations, to help you to search more effectively Make online requests to our services, to help you to get the evidence you need quickly Complete our presentation and start using the library today. NHS Online Library For UHNM Staff Learn more about the online resources and services that are available to you. Go to this Sway

New NHS staff, did you miss your library induction?

 Itā€™s been a busy time for our NHS colleagues, especially if you have recently started a new job. Remember that the Health Library is here to help and support you ā€“ whether you need a quiet spot to access a computer, want to pick up a textbook to help with your exams, need that ā€œmust-haveā€ article or want a detailed literature search completing. Complete our short NHS Online Library Induction and learn about the many ways that we can help you in your work and career development; saving you time and getting you to the right information quickly. Screenshot from the Health Library online induction