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Showing posts from May, 2021

Inbox Updates Ending for this blog - feedburner end this feature

  Google feedburner will be ending the feature which allows us to automatically send blog updates to your inbox.. This means that you will not be able to subscribe to our blogs: Health Library News Information Skills for Health If you are already subscribed and receive blog posts to your email inbox then this service will end after July 2021. We will still continue to use our blogs to publish the latest news about the Health Library and our resources and training opportunities. You can follow posts either by: Checking the Information Skills for Health blog manually Checking  our website  where we publish the blogs Following us on Twitter  (where we add blog posts) Following our Facebook page  (where we add blog posts) Apologies for any inconvenience caused. If you have any queries please get in touch with the eResources Librarian, Cheryl, at

Get the right skills to be a successful searcher

You need to consider the best evidence to make the best healthcare decisions for your patients. Develop your information skills so that you search the right resources more effectively and identify the best evidence. Complete our Check Your Skills quiz to check you've got the right skills and to get your action plan to develop your skills further.

Elsevier Covid-19 Healthcare Hub - Covid-19 long haulers

Latest updates from the Elsevier Covid-19 Healthcare Hub   ---------------------------------------------------------- COVID-19 symptoms for many patients can linger for months following recovery from the initial illness. Although there is uncertainty on the long-term health impact of COVID-19 on survivors, compelling research explores common symptoms and potential treatments. We rounded up the   articles our clinicians are reading , including an   MDPI exploration   of Vitamin C to treat post-viral fatigue and a study in The Lancet on the   prevalence of persistent symptoms   in a cohort of recovered patients in Wuhan, China. Visit the   Physical Rehabilitation Toolkit   for COVID-19 recovery resources ranging from care plans to patient education. ---------------------------------------------------------- The Health Library subscribes to elsevier Clinical Key for staff at UHNM. You'll find access to full-text articles, ebooks and topic pages here....

Share your knowledge: Publish your Case Reports in BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports is an online journal, offering reports of cases covering a wide range of healthcare-related disciplines. Cases include common and rare conditions and offer new learning objectives. All cases are peer-reviewed. The Health Library subscription includes the opportunity for you to submit your own case report. How to Accessā€¦ BMJ Case Reports is available to UHNM staff only. You can view full-text reports by logging in with your NHS OpenAthens username. If you want to submit your own case report you will need to ask at the Health Library for the Fellowship code and register separately as an author. Key Features Common and rare cases Complications and unusual cases Access full-text Peer reviewed Submit your case report High acceptance rates Start Searching There is a simple search box available, type in your search terms. You can also browse by specialty and search for video reports and images within reports.  You can then click into the results presented to you in a lis...

7 resources to help you to develop your critical appraisal skills

 When you identify articles during your literature search you need to be able to critically appraise the articles to ensure that they present: valid research valid results relevance to your question You can complete our tutorial Critical Appraisal Tools to learn more about tools available to help you to develop your critical appraisal skills.

Cheatsheet for planning your literature search

 Do you need to create a literature search plan to find evidence to support your work or studies? Make sure that you don't miss a step - try our Literature Search and Overview Plan: revise the 9 steps you need to complete a literature search record your own literature search plan Download and complete your own literature search plan from the Health Library website. For more help with your literature search check out our Literature Searching online guides and support page  or contact our training team to arrange a training session.

Oxford Medicine Online Collection - ebooks to support healthcare professionals

 All NHS staff can now access essential key titles from the Oxford Medicine Online Collection. This include the titles in series: Emergencies in... Medical handbooks Handbooks in nursing Oxford Textbooks Oxford textbook of medicine The online books provide extra features allowing you to: Cross-search titles to find the information you need quickly Use online-only features including videos and self-testing functionality Link to references and further reading Download images to powerpoint to create great presentations Use the personalization options to save books, annotations, chapters, and searches Read via mobile optimised browser Access new and revised content added throughout the year To access: All these titles are available to NHS staff via your NHS OpenAthens username. Go to the  Oxford Medicine Online collection , use the institution log in option, select institution "NHS in England" and enter your NHS OpenAthens login details. You can view all the books in the collecti...