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Showing posts from April, 2021

Are you new to UHNM? Make sure you find out how the Health Library can help you

 The Health Library is here to support your information needs: somewhere quiet to study full-text access to articles clinical decision-making assistance support to complete a literature search on a specific topic exam revision help Find out how we can help by completing our UHNM F1 Online Library Induction . You can learn more about what the library can offer by completing our short online tutorials: Introduction to the Health Library Using the Health Library Finding NHS Resources NHS Online Library for UHNM Staff

NHS OpenAthens : What's fact or fake?

 Have you registered for your NHS OpenAthens username yet? Don't think that it is for you? Don't listen to fake news. Learn what it is and how it can help you - complete our short "fact or fake" presentation: NHS OpenAthens: What's Fact or Fake? Have you heard about an NHS OpenAthens username? Do you know how it can help you? Do you want to learn the facts? We get some strange comments from people about what NHS OpenAthens is. Go to this Sway

Do you know why you need to evaluate the articles you want to use?

 When you are searching for information for either your studies or work, you may get many results. How do you know that those articles are going to be good quality and relevant to your search question? Evaluating your results against a set of criteria will help to systematically select or reject the content you have found. Complete our short etutorial Evaluating Information to learn more about what steps you can take to evaluate the resources you find.

ClinicalKey Content Updates: April 20, 2021

New and updated content for Clinical Key. Clinical Key is available to staff at UHNM via NHS OpenAthens username / password. New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Invasive aspergillosis associated with immunocompromise Polymyalgia rheumatica   Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Abnormal labor Alcohol withdrawal Bacterial meningitis in children Hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonias Sepsis Books Added ā€“ CK Global Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Skeleton  (Baker, Stephen B.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323484107; Package/Collection: Plastic Surgery; New to CK; ASEā€™s Comprehensive Echocardiography  (Lang, Roberto M.) 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780323698306; Package/Collection: Cardiovascular Disease Extended; New edition (replaces 9780323260114); Atlas of Robotic General Surgery  (Novitsky, Yuri W.) 1st ed; ISBN: 97...

Check Your Skills - updated and improved tutorial

   Are you an evidence-based practitioner?  Do you have the right skills to find the best evidence? Complete our short quiz  Check Your Skills  and find out what information skills you have and how you can improve them. Make sure you have the right skills to find the best evidence for your work and studies. We've updated the Check Your Skills tutorial: choose your guide easily navigate the quiz questions get feedback on your answers download your action plan summary dashboard providing links to more resources helpful to both NHS staff and university students Let us know what you think about our updated tutorial -  send us your feedback .

Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS): new topics and updates

 News from NICE about new Clinical Knowledge Summaries NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) topics  are aimed at healthcare professionals working in primary and first contact care in the UK. The 370 topics cover 1000 clinical presentations or patient scenarios and are free to access. The following CKS topics have been created or updated over the past months: January: Mental health in students  is a  new  CKS topic. The evidence base has been reviewed in detail, and recommendations are clearly justified and transparently linked to the supporting evidence. Diabetes type 2 . The topic has undergone minor restructuring to improve clarity and navigation. The recommendations have been updated in line with current literature. Information on the hyperglycaemic emergency complication of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) has been added. Tennis elbow . There have been minor structural changes, and a recommendation not to use corticosteroids routinely for treating ...

Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS): web app

 News from NICE about Clinical Knowledge Summaries. Clinical Knowledge Summaries provide healthcare professionals with up-to-date easily accessible evidence relating to many of the conditions and diseases presented within primary care. The CKS webpages have a new feature, which allows you to download a version of CKS onto your desktop or mobile phone. The web app is available in most browsers, including Edge and Chrome - but isn't currently supported by IE11 or Safari. You can find the download icon in the address bar when you're on a CKS webpage  (via your browser) Instructions: Go to Clinical Knowledge Summaries on your phone browse Click "Install CKS" from the address bar The app will download as normal to your phone as app CKS | NICE Click the icon to open CKS on your phone You can browse and search - an Internet connection is required. It doesn't download all the CKS topics straight away, just makes a copy of those that you look at, so you can't access al...

Beginner's Guide to the CRAAP Checklist

 Do you want a quick checklist to help you to evaluate the resources you find whilst searching for information? Watch our video to see if the CRAAP checklist can help you: For more help evaluating resources see our Information Skills etutorials .

How good is the information you find on Google?

 The Internet is a great place to start looking for information. But do you know how to evaluate what you find so that you only use good quality, healthcare specific information? We've got a few tips to help you sort out the good stuff - go to the sway (below) for more details. Evaluating Information on the Internet The Internet is a great place to start looking for information and there are some great healthcare based resources available. In your work and studies you need to make sure that you are usiā€¦ Go to this Sway

Elsevier Healthcare Hubs Update: Explore the Diabetes Hub

  Check the elsevier healthcare hubs for more evidence-based resources and support: from elsevier In our  latest editors' blog , Connie Kohler MS RDN, CDCES, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Clinical Editor, discusses  what constitutes a healthy diet for someone with diabetes  and offers some guidance on health factors that should be considered. Explore our Diabetes Hub  for more evidenced-based resources to help patients improve their wellbeing, including: Diabetes Education  Nursing Skills  for the Ambulatory and Home Healthcare Settings Clinical overviews  for Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes Drug Class Overview  on Insulins Patient education videos  on diet, glucose testing, and more NHS staff at UHNM will have access to the resources available within Clinical Key. You'll need to log in with your NHS OpenAthens username. To learn more about Clinical Key take a look at ou...

Quick Guide to BNF / BNFc

Get access to the information you need on drugs and medicines. What is it? The BNF is the British National Formulary and the BNFc is the British National Formulary for Children. These are the key authoritative, reference texts for information about drugs and medications, provided especially for UK healthcare staff. How to Accessā€¦ Who is it for? These texts are available for NHS staff and healthcare students. Log in The BNF and BNFc are available in a range of formats. You will need login details for some formats but not all. Keele Staff and Students ā€“ use your Keele login details NHS Staff ā€“ use your NHS OpenAthens username / password Key Formats Print Book We hold print versions of the BNF and the BNFc within the Health Library. These are available for reference. You can find the BNF at shelf mark RS125.B7 and the BNFc at shelf mark RJ560.B7. Medicines Complete (login required) The BNF and BNFc are available online via the Medicines Complete interface. You will need to log in to acces...

Five tips for developing useful literature summary tables for writing review articles

 If you are completing a review of the most up-to-date literature in your work area, subject, or special topic area, then get some tips on how to present your search results from this article from Evidence-based Nursing:  Five tips for developing useful literature summary tables for writing review articles