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Showing posts from August, 2020

ClinicalKey Content Updates: August 19, 2020

  New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Leishmaniasis Lymphogranuloma venereum Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics COVID-19 critical care Hematuria Knee injury (other than dislocation or fracture) Tobacco use disorder and smoking cessation   Books Added ā€“ CK Global Brain Injury Medicine  (Eapen, Blessen C.) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323653855; Package/Collection: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; New to CK; Brownā€™s Atlas of Regional Anesthesia  (Farag, Ehab) 6th ed; ISBN: 9780323654357; Package/Collection: Anesthesiology; New edition (replaces 9780323354905); Endoscopic Surgery of the Orbit  (Sindwani, Raj) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780323613293; Package/Collection: Otolaryngology; New to CK;

Log in route for journal Blood has changed

The log in route to allow users to access full-text of the journal title Blood has changed. To access full-text you will need to select the correct institution and log in with your NHS OpenAthens username. This title is only available to UHNM staff. Log In to Blood Select the " Sign in " option on the top menu bar From the drop-down box select " Sign in via your institution " You are then presented with 2 drop-down lists. From the list " Location ", select " OpenAthens Federation " Then select " University Hospital of North Midlands " from the Institution drop-down list  Click the " Select " button You will then be asked to log in with your NHS OpenAthens username . If you have already entered your username previously in the session, this may be picked up and you'll be signed in automatically. Select the correct institution in order to log in to Blood For more help finding NHS ejournals please complete our etutorial - Fin...

Kortex ebook collection available for NHS users

Health Education England have collaborated with Kortex ebooks to offer all NHS staff access to an online book collection. During August you can access the complimentary collection provided as part of the launch. After August the collection will be developed regionally by the local library services. To access full-text log in with your NHS OpenAthens username. Why not have a look at the titles on offer. If you would like any titles added to the permanent collection following the launch, then get in touch with Daryl Bate, the NHS Lead Librarian at the Health Library. Example of the Kortext launch ebook collection You can find more information about the ebook collections available to NHS staff via our website .