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Showing posts from February, 2020

ClinicalKey Content Updates: February 13, 2020

New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Babesiosis Chlamydia trachomatis infection Ganglion cyst Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Bipolar disorder E-cigarette, or vaping, product useā€“associated lung injury Hypertension Obesity in adults Postpartum depression Books Added ā€“ CK Global Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy  (Wolverton, Stephen) 4th ed; ISBN: 9780323612111; Package/Collection: Dermatology; New edition (replaces 9781437720037); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20141020972 Cytology  (Cibas, Edmund) 5th ed; ISBN: 9780323636360; Package/Collection: Pathology Extended; New edition (replaces 9781455744626); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20160040287 Dermoscopy: The Essentials  (Soyer, H. Peter) 3rd ed; ISBN: 9780702068829; Package/Collection: Dermatology; New edition (replaces 9780723435921); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C201301...

Finding NHS Resources

We have updated our NHS resources web page . This is now an A-Z list of all the key resources that will be most helpful to you. It includes NHS-subscribed resources as well as some good quality Internet resources, that are freely available. The link listed will take you straight through to the login page where possible. You can skip to the resource you know you want via the A-Z links, or use the filter option to find the resource you need. Many of the resources also include a link where you can get more help on using it. Screen-shot of the NHS resources A-Z page Not sure what resource you need? Iā€™ve updated the ā€œFind NHS Resourcesā€ etutorial to breakdown the resources by category. Just choose a category to match the type of information you are looking for and youā€™ll find a list of the most relevant resources. Categories available include: Case Reports Clinical Decision support tools Current Awareness Drugs Reference Exam Support Full-Text Access G...

Health Library Online - have you checked out our new website yet?

The Health Library website has had a make-over with a new look and feel - have you checked it out yet? Screen-shot of the home page for the Health Library website You can use the Health Library website to access: Quick Links  Popular links for our main user groups are available on the home page: Keele nursing, midwifery and medical students, NHS staff, Keele academic staff and researchers.  Latest News  Get the latest news from the Health Library about services and resources.  Social Media  Join us on our social networks: Facebook [CECLibrary], Twitter [@CECLibrary] and YouTube channel [healthlib].  Using the Health Library Explore the facilities at the Health Library, learn how to join the library, how you can visit us and how to borrow items.  Opening Hours Check our opening hours and when you can visit ā€“ look out for any changes.  Find Investigate the resources that you have access to, including articles, books,...