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Showing posts from September, 2019

ClinicalKey Content Updates: September 12, 2019

New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Bipolar disorder in pregnancy Calcium channel blocker toxicity Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma DEET toxicity Inorganic pneumoconiosis Liver abscess Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia Rubella Vitamin A deficiency Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children Appendicitis Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Tetralogy of Fallot Journal Added ā€“ CK Global Annals of Hepatology ; Years of Coverage: 2014 to present; ISSN: 1665-2681; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology-Hepatology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 16652681 Journals Removed ā€“ CK Global Journal of Arrhythmia ; ISSN: 1880-4276; Package/Collection: Cardiovascular Disease Extended. Title transferred to another publisher. Recommended alternative ā€“ Heart Rhythm. Kidney Research and Clinical Practice ; ISSN: 2211-9132; Package/Collection: Nephrology....

Essential guides to using TRIP

TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) is a clinical search tool which can help you to quickly find high quality research evidence to support practice. It searches a range of healthcare resources and publishers and presents results which can be organised in evidence type, such as systematic reviews, guidelines, primary research, controlled trials etc. TRIP is freely available online and NHS staff have access to TRIP Pro via the NHS network. We've updated  our TRIP help page , so you can now find our quick introductory leaflet as well as links to TRIP videos to help you get started.

To complete an in-depth literature search, NHS users will need HDAS

HDAS or Healthcare Databases Advanced Search, is the common search interface that allows you to use the same interface and options to search the different databases provided nationally by the NHS. The databases currently available include: AMED, BNI, CINAHL, EMBASE, EMCARE, HMIC, Medline and PsychInfo. You'll be able to search across a wide field of topics to find the articles you need for your literature search. HDAS is available to NHS staff via your NHS OpenAthens username. We've updated our HDAS (NHS Databases) help page to include links to all the guides you'll need as well as our introductory leaflet.

Before you try Google, try NICE Evidence Search

NICE Evidence Search is a search engine which is focused on selected and approved evidence-based healthcare, social care and public health specific information resources. It is particularly useful for finding high-level healthcare evidence, and is freely available via the Internet - no login required to run a search, and many results are freely accessible too. We've created a new leaflet to help you get started - go to our NICE Evidence Search help page to download it.

Quick Guide to Medical Masterclass

Medical Masterclass is a distance learning resource, developed by the Education Department of the Royal College of Physicians of London. This resource is available to staff at UHNM. Access is managed by the Library at County, Stafford (LERC). You can find a short guide on our Medical Masterclass help page in the Online Guides and Support section of our website.