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Showing posts from August, 2019

Check out one of our most popular NHS resources - Clinical Key

Clinical Key is available to our OpenAthens users at UHNM and is one of our most popular online resources.  You can access the full-text of ebooks, topic pages, ejournals and patient information guides. Information is searchable via the clinical search engine. There are a number of tools available to help you to make the most of the information you find. We've updated our Clinical Key help page to include a range of "How to..." blog posts to help you get started with all the features.

Error Logging into NHS Journals A-Z List and Work Around

There are currently problems accessing the NHS Journals A-Z list. The error below is being presented: Screen-shot of NHS Journals A-Z error If you encounter this, there Is a work around. Use Google Chrome browser Go to this link and log in with your Athens username / password. This will log you into your Athens account. Leave this page open Open a new tab and copy and paste this link into the new tab Click the Login to Athens link. You should be logged in to the Journals A-Z list Screen-shot of a successful login to NHS Journals A-Z, showing your Athens username We have reported the problem to NICE and expect a fix shortly.

Error Logging into NHS Journals A-Z List

Users may be experiencing problems logging into the NHS eJournals A-Z list. We have received the following error: Screen-shot of NHS Journals error Apologies for the inconvenience that this will cause you. We have reported the problem to NICE and they are trying to resolve it.

ClinicalKey Content Updates: August 8, 2019 - New Clinical Overviews

Latest updates to Clinical Key: New Clinical Overviews ā€“ CK Global Acute ethanol toxicity Epidural abscess Epilepsy in children Updated Clinical Overviews ā€“ Selected Topics Acute diarrhea in adults Bladder cancer Chronic myelogenous leukemia Endometriosis Journal Removals ā€“ CK Global European Geriatric Medicine ; ISSN: 1878-7649; Package/Collection: Internal Medicine Extended. Title transferred to another publisher. Recommended alternative ā€“ Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. International Journal of Epilepsy ; ISSN: 2213-6320; Package/Collection: Neurology. Title discontinued. Recommended alternative ā€“ Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy. Books Added ā€“ CK Global Endocrine Secrets  (McDermott, Michael) 7th ed; ISBN: 9780323624282; Package/Collection: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism; New edition (replaces 9781455749751); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20170006493 Books Removed ā€“ CK Global Arthritis ...

You can publish your own Case Study

If you work for UHNM you can publish your own case study in BMJ Case Reports for free. We have a subscription to BMJ Case Reports that, as well as giving you access to the full-text reports via your OpenAthens login, will also allow you to submit your own reports. You will find links to lots of help on how to do this on our re-vamped BMJ Case Reports help page .

Beginners guide to using BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice has been purchased for all NHS users and is accessible via your OpenAthens username. It is an evidence-based, clinical decision support tool providing access to guidelines, recommendations, topic pages and videos. We've updated our online guides page for BMJ Best Practice so you can get started quickly. You'll find guides, webinars, podcasts and videos.