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Showing posts from September, 2018

Resource of the week: The End

So over the past 50 weeks we have given you a glimpse of the wealth of healthcare related resources that are out there. These can help you to find research, guidelines, etc as well as help you to develop your skills. This seems like a convenient place to stop. If you want to see what all the resources were that we included, just click on the Resource of the Week tag .

Clinical Knowledge Summaries: Resource of the week #50

What is it? Clinical Knowledge Summaries are evidence-based summaries and practical guidance of a range of primary care presentations. They are developed and published by NICE. Key Features You can find a summary for a condition by selecting from the A-Z list, selecting by specialty or using the simple search box. Screen-shot of the Clinical Knowledge Summaries example page Information presented will often include elements such as diagnosis, management and prescription. References will be included and there is usually an indication of how up-to-date the recommendations are. How can it help you? Clinical Knowledge Summaries are mainly aimed at staff working in Primary Care. You can check the latest evidence for the treatment of the included conditions. How to access it? Clinical Knowledge Summaries are freely available on the Internet on the NICE website.

Clinical Trail Registers: Resource of the week #49

What is it? This weekā€™s resource is actually several databases. These databases allow you to find clinical trials that have been registered:  ā€“ US-based registry Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials Current controlled trials UK Clinical Trials Gateway WHO International clinical trial search portal Key Features The registers list the title of the trial and some information about the trial. There may also be an indication of whether the trial is recruiting or whether it is complete. You can search using free-text, some registers allow you to select the medical condition you are interested in. How can it help you? If you are completing a research project it may be worth checking the registers to find out if anyone else is doing the same or similar research. You can subscribe to some of the services so that you are informed of new trials being registered. Some of the trials also indicate whether they are recruiting patients ā€“ th...