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Showing posts from June, 2017

Current Awareness Dashboard Updated

The updates to the Current Awareness Dashboard have been completed. Here you will find links to the latest research and news based on a range of healthcare topics. Health Library Current Awareness Dashboard

Register for Access to HSJ & HSJ Solutions (UHNM only)

HSJ (Health Service Journal) and the HSJ Solutions database are now both available to UHNM members of staff. You can find full-text articles for: News and insight across the healthcare sector Specialist topic news Case Studies Award-winning projects Evidence-based practice Sign-up to a range of newsletters to receive the news you are interested in, as frequently as you prefer. To Access: Please see our help page for information about accessing HSJ & HSJ Solutions . Please note that this resource is NOT available via your NHS Athens username. You will need to register for an individual username / password specific to HSJ. You are advised to use the Chrome internet browser when using HSJ.

Follow us on Twitter

Follow the Health Library on twitter to keep up-to-date with the latest news about the library, services and resources. Including: Training opportunities eTutorials Resource features Skills development Step-by-step instructions Videos Tips and Tricks

ClinicalKey Content Update: June 19, 2017

Book Added ā€“ CK Global Please note that the following title is now live on CK Global. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery  (Fonseca, Raymond) 3 rd  ed; ISBN: 9780323414999; Package/Collection: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery; New edition (replaces 9781416043898); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20141001032

ClinicalKey Content Updates: June 15, 2017

Journal Added ā€“ CK Global Clinical Nutrition ESPEN  (formerly  e-SPEN Journal ); Years of Coverage: 2015 to present; ISSN: 2405-4577; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology-Hepatology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24054577 Books Added ā€“ CK Global Alzheimerā€™s Disease  (Borenstein, Amy) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780128045381; Package/Collection: Neurology; New to CK; dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20130097009 Antibiotic Resistance  (Kon, Kateryna) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780128036426; Package/Collection: Infectious Disease; New to CK; dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20150001046 Barrettā€™s Esophagus  (Pleskow, Douglas) 1st ed; ISBN: 9780128025116; Package/Collection: Gastroenterology-Hepatology; New to CK; dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20140015973 Basics of Anesthesia  (Pardo, Manuel) 7th ed; ISBN: 9780323401159; Package/Collection...

Remember the steps you need for literature searching?

Try our new Literature Searching Flashcard Revision etutorial to remind yourself of the steps you need to take to complete a literature search. Following these steps can make your searching easier. eTutorial promotion image Download the literature search plan at the end.

What is the CRAAP checklist?

Not sure whether you should use that bit of information you have found? Can you tell if it is good quality? Learn how to use the CRAAP checklist to evaluate the information you find - try our new Evaluating Information etutorial. screen-shot of the Evaluating Information etutorial

Updated Physiotherapy Current Awareness Page

The Physiotherapy current awareness page has been updated to include library ejournal subscriptions from Clinical Key. Youā€™ll receive a selection of the latest headlines from: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation American Journal of Occupational Therapy Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise PM&R Physiotherapy Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinical Of North America All these titles are available in full-text to UHNM members of staff via NHS Athens; other users should check your Journals A-Z list   to see whether you have full-text access to all these titles Check out the Physiotherapy news page or sign-up here .

Latest research from our Nutrition journals

You can keep up-to-date with the news and research published via some of our nutrition-based  ejournals. This page has now been updated to reflect our recent subscriptions. eJournals include: Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Nutrition and metabolism Nutrition Journal Nutrition Review s All these titles are available in full-text to UHNM members of staff via NHS Athens; other users should check your Journals A-Z list to see whether you have full-text access to all these titles Check out the Nutrition news page or sign-up here .