Dynamed is an evidence-based, point-of-care reference tool to help you to deal with clinical questions as they arise in practice. It is available to UHNM staff only. Login You will need your UHNM Athens account to login to Dynamed. Go to our Healthcare Resources page , click the Dynamed option and login when prompted. Dynamed has a very simple search interface. Browse You can browse through the A-Z of conditions, by selecting a letter from the A-Z. To view a topic simply click the title. Search To search dynamed type your search terms into the text box. Suggestions will appear, you can use these or carry on with your own terms. You are then presented with your search results. Click the titles to view the full-text of the article about the topic. View Content Full-text content for topics is presented as a series of sub-sections; click the section header to reveal the full-text. You can set an alert for a topic – you will be emailed if the topi...