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Showing posts from May, 2016

Have you registered for an NHS Athens account yet?

Still not sure if you should register for an NHS Athens username? Try our etutorial NHS Athens Registration to find out why you should and how you can. Then have a go of the tutorial Finding NHS Resources to learn about all the different resources that you can access with your Athens username.

Clinical Key - content updates 23rd May 2016

Clinical Key has added 3 new journal titles: American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports  (2016 to present); ISSN: 2451-9936; Package/Collection: Ophthalmology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24519936 International Journal of Surgery Open  (2015 to present); ISSN: 2405-8572; Package/Collection: Surgery Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24058572 Obesity Medicine  (2016 to present); ISSN: 2451-8476; Package/Collection: Internal Medicine Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 24518476

Finding NHS Resources

If you are not sure which resources you can access then try our etutorial Finding NHS Resources to find out. You’ll learn about the different online resources and how you can access them. Have a go! Please complete the feedback form at the end to let us know what you think.

Use Reference Management at the START

Make sure that you use a reference management tool at the START of your literature search. When you are running your literature searches you can save the articles you identify to a reference manager tool. This way you will have a record of the articles you want to use. When it comes to writing up your results you will be able to refer to your list of articles in order to create your reference list and bibliography. Depending on the tool you use, you can use folders and / or tags to organise your references and may have “cite while you write” functionality. You can find help about referencing tools on the Referencing tab on our Authorship subject page .

Glossary – check here for help

We have set up a glossary of terms we typically use. If you are unsure of something you can check out what we mean by checking the glossary page. See the tab at the top of this blog. If you would like us to add anything just leave us a comment.

Clinical Key – eJournals

To browse the journals list, select the "Journals" option from the main search screen. Browse Journals You can browse through the journals titles list by selecting from the A-Z list or simply type the journal title you are looking for into the "Find by Title" text box. Filter by Clinical Specialty You can filter the journal list by specialty and can select more than one if you like. Search Journals You can limit any search to journal titles within Clinical Key only Clinics of North America – the following clinics of North America are available online within Clinical Key: Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Dental Clinics of North America Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America Gastroenterology Clinics of North America Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America Hematology/Oncology ...

Using Dynamed - an evidence-based, point of care tool

Dynamed is an evidence-based, point-of-care reference tool to help you to deal with clinical questions as they arise in practice. It is available to UHNM staff only. Login You will need your UHNM Athens account to login to Dynamed. Go to our Healthcare Resources page , click the Dynamed option and login when prompted. Dynamed has a very simple search interface. Browse You can browse through the A-Z of conditions, by selecting a letter from the A-Z. To view a topic simply click the title. Search To search dynamed type your search terms into the text box. Suggestions will appear, you can use these or carry on with your own terms. You are then presented with your search results. Click the titles to view the full-text of the article about the topic. View Content Full-text content for topics is presented as a series of sub-sections; click the section header to reveal the full-text. You can set an alert for a topic – you will be emailed if the topi...

Go Incognito

If you have access to resources from different institutions (for example University and NHS Athens) and are trying to use them at the same time, then try logging on to one set of resources using a google chrome incognito window. Note that you aren’t invisible from the network you are on but it might prevent the resource provider from getting confused about which login you are using. Note that it may not work if resources are linking to the network via IP address. You can find out more from Google .

How do we support NHS Staff?

Do you think the Health Library is just for Keele students? Well, we are a joint NHS / University library and we have lots of services and resources especially for our NHS staff. Find out more about how the Health Library can support you and your work by taking our new etutorial Supporting NHS Staff. You can find a link on our Getting Started page . Have a go and let us know what you think – complete the feedback form at the end of the tutorial.

Clinical Key - Filters have moved

Clinical Key have updated the layout of the interface. When you have completed a search you will now find the filters down the left-hand-side of the page.  You can filter by: Source Type Study Type Specialty Date You can select more than 1 filter option. See the screen-shot below:

Explore the Health Library Online

The Health Library has developed a new short online tutorial to help you to explore our facilities, services and resources. It includes our toe-tapping short video as well as an interactive map of the library and drag and drop quiz. You can complete a reflection document at the end to save to your portfolio if you wish. You can find a link to the new etutorial on our Getting Started page . Have a go! There is an opportunity at the end of the tutorial to complete a feedback form, so let us know what you think.

Clinical Key - content updates 11th May 2016

There have been some additions to the journals and ebooks available in Clinical Key: Journals Added – CK Global Journal of Orthopaedic Science  (1996 to present); ISSN: 0949-2658; Package/Collection: Orthopedics Extended; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 09492658 Urology Case Reports  (2013 to present); ISSN: 2214-4420; Package/Collection: Urology; dura/browse/journalIssue/ 22144420 Books Added – CK Global Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease  (Callen, Jeffrey) 5th ed; ISBN: 9780323358293; Package/Collection: Dermatology; New edition (replaces 9781416061113); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20130191106 Emergency Radiology: The Requisites  (Soto, Jorge) 2nd ed; ISBN: 9780323376402; Package/Collection: Radiology Essentials; New edition (replaces 9780323054072); dura/browse/bookChapter/3-s2. 0-C20110086969 Essential Surgical Procedur...

Filter Searches by Patient Group

When you perform a literature search on a database you can focus your search by limiting the results to a particular patient group. You can usually filter by: Age Gender This can help you to remove irrelevant articles and focus on those that apply to your patient group. Why not try it on the next search you complete.

NMC Revalidation Application video

The NMC have produced a video giving you step-by-step instructions to completing your online revalidation application. You can find it on Youtube here .

Keele WIFI

Keele wifi is available via the Eduroam network. You can log on to the Keele wifi using your Keele computer username / password. The wifi is available within the Clinical Education Centre as well as parts of the Royal Stoke Hospital. You can access your online resources on the go, in class and on the wards. Why not set up your mobile devices. NHS members of the library can request a temporary Keele login.

New eTutorials Coming Soon!

We have been busy updating our etutorials. They are still short, bite-sized online learning modules but have been improved: :: Resizable :: Improved layout :: Interactive activities :: :: Multi-media content :: Mobile-friendly :: We have included a reflection document that you can save to record your reflection and add to your portfolio. You can also complete the feedback form at the end of each tutorial to let us know what you think. You’ll find all our etutorials on our Getting Started page or Information Skills page.

Watch our new video

The Health Library has got  a new video highlighting our facilities, services and resources – two and half minutes of toe-tapping joy. Why not check it out before visiting the library or use it in your Keele or NHS inductions.

Clinical Key – SmartSearch

Clinical Key includes SmartSearch technology to help you to find information fast. Login You will need a UHNM Athens username to access Clinical Key. Use the link on the Healthcare Resources page or click the OpenAthens link on the Clinical Key login page. Searching To run a search, simply type your keywords into the search box. SmartSearch technology will offer you a range of suggestions an related terms for the text that you type – you can select one of the suggestions or run the search for your text. You can run the search against all the content within Clinical Key or focus on a particular set of source types: Books First Consult Journals Medline Clinical trials Multimedia Guidelines Procedures Consult Patient Education Screen-shot of Smartsearch options Results Results are returned in relevance order. You can filter your results further by source type, study type, specialty, or...

Accessing the BNF & BNFc

The British National Formulary (BNF) and British National Formulary for Children (BNFc) are essential drug reference resources. You can access these in a number of ways: Print We hold print copies of the BNF & BNFc. You will always find a reference copy of the books at the library. Search our catalogue to check where the copies are located. Online Via: Medicines Complete – an online collection of a number of drug reference ebooks, including the BNF and BNFc. You can access this with your NHS Athens username or your Keele computer login details BNF App – NHS users can download the BNF app and load the BNF and BNFc onto their mobile devices. You will need your NHS Athens username to login. NICE Evidence Search – the BNF is also available via the BNF page on the NICE Evidence Search engine. No login is required here. You will find more help on our BNF & BNFc help page .

Clinical Key – Accessing eBooks

You have access to a wide range of key texts in Clinical Key. Athens You will need a UHNM Athens username to access the ebook collection in Clinical Key. Login If you use the links on the Health Library ebooks page you will be directed straight to the Athens login page. Otherwise click the OpenAthens link on the Clinical Key login page and then click the Books link on the Browse menu. Screen-shot of the login page - select the OpenAthens login link Browse You can filter the list of ebooks by specialty to find out what ebooks are available in your specialty. Screen-shot of ebooks by specialty You can browse through the A-Z list by selecting a letter to find any title you are interested in. Screen-shot of ebooks by A-Z Search You can limit any search to ebooks only by selecting the Books filter; for example if you are looking for background reading. Screen-shot of the search screen Reading To read any ebook, simply click the book titl...

Use Google Chrome

We advise our users to use an up-to-date popular web browser to access our eresources – we’d suggest Google Chrome. Many of our publishers do not support older web browsers. If you work on the NHS network your default web browser is usually an older version of Internet Explorer. We appreciate that this may need to be retained to access existing clinical systems but it can present some problems with some of the more recent resources that we have. We suggest that you ask to have Google Chrome installed and use this to access library resources.